BMW Sauber learn from McLaren nose

The front area is something that was studied very carefully, and apparently the aerodynamicsts must have learnt quite a bit from the recent McLarens. The nose cone in particular is very much alike the MP4-21 of 2005. It has a similar height, thickness and width. The front wing is a little more in line with BMW's last designs but still is a three element wing hung up on the second one, typical designs of a McLaren. Even more, since the MP4-18 every McLaren has its front wing extend ahead of the nose cone, and now BMW Sauber have it just like that. As I should not exaggerate, the deep spoon is eye-catching while the new wing totally lacks any stacked or bridged elements.
I think what Tomba means is the nose cone is very much like the mp4-20 of 2005 not the mp4-21...
very interesting remarks though, F1.08\'s front wing looks much cleaner than last year\'s & thankfuly they got rid of those add-on bridges.