Actually Piquet is "doing a Kovalainen" for the moment, struggling a bit for his debut and showing a sure but slow progression curve. Weather he'll do as well as the Finn later on is yet to be seen, but the fact that Renault itself is openly criticizing him makes me wonder if they haven't already defined the limits of his skills, and are disapointed with him. You might answear that Kovy was heavily criticized as well, but IMO things are very different since relative expectations are a world appart: Kovy was taking over Fernando, in the current champion team, while the brazilian benefits from the indulgency of a more humble crew, hence why critics awaited for the fourth GP instead of the immediate fire Heikki had suffered from.
Formula one's a harsh world, nowadays a youngster isn't really allowed more than one or two failed GP under the excuse of learning. Is F1 judging drivers too quickly? I have the impression that a few year back a young gun had a season (at least) to prove himself. Now drivers are sacked during the season, without necessarly having messed up their results, but just failing to meet (too ambitious?) expectations. Scott Speed comes to mind, as well as Klien, liuzzi, Monteiro, Montagny, Kartikheyan, Dornboos, Ide...
Another thing I'd say in defence of Piquet is about the amount of running a newbie is allowed to do before his debut, considering the recent testing restrictions. I don't have the numbers here, but I remember reading that Nelsiño have covered about half the Kilometers Heikki had done in testing, while the Finn already had a serious deficit compared to his predecessors, due to the rules discouraging teams to give third drivers some mileage as both off-GP testing and friday testing are limited. I think the figure for Kovalainen was something like 18 000 km covered in 2006. Not sure though. It would be interesting if a member could show up some statistics (Ciro?) to compare the mileage young drivers had under the belt for their debut in the last few years.
Now, having denfended Piquet, I must say my personal feeling toward him isn't that bright. I can't help thinking his second driver position is the result of a decision taken in late 2006. I think Renault's management had a clear view of the future: Fernie was out for good and would never come back (or so they thought logically), so the equation was computing the known value "Fisi" with the unknows Kovy and Nelson. The obvious way it went is that Heikki & Fisico had a "confrontation" year, the looser giving his seat to Piquet.
What I mean is that under those circumstances they gave a racing contract for 2008 to Piquet as early as 2006, because whatever the result, he would fill the seat of the looser anyway. (of course I've no proof of this, it's an hypothesis). That's my point, they never thought Fernando might be back, and when it occured that he was returning, they were forced into a corner by the Piquet contract, so they had to choose him over Kovalainen to avoid loosing even more money in another contract disruption. There was also a gamble, maybe he will perform as well as the Finn, and he represent a better PR value, with the Piquet name and the brazilian nationality (very coveted market for Renault). But I'm sure if it hadn't been for this contract, they would have kept Kovalainen, because he proved to be very good, while Nelson was relatively slower in testing.
What's your view?
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