ashf1mclaren wrote:i am thats what A-levels are then to uni to study aerodynamics and astronautics but what advice for getting into top motorsport
First, lesson 1. In your post, you have missed a capital I, University is spelt with a capital U. Everything is in the detail, and if you send in a CV with spelling like that it will end up in the bin, like 98% of all CV's.
Go to University and do a Master's in Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering.
Get involved in FSAE as Steve said.
Voulenteer for any work in a race team, or start with a local small garage. It you only make tea, someday somebody will give you a more responsible job.
Pulications like Race Car Engineering and Race Engine Technology are very good reading, and this Forum is excellent study. Books from Carrol Smith, Joseph Katz and Milliken are very good.
Keep sending CV's, don't stop. Remember, this is not 9 to 5, the hours are relentless, but it is a most rewarding life, best of luck.