It's all about numbers. Doesn't mean anything if you don't quantify or at least qualitatively account for the necessary factors.bill shoe wrote:n smikle, too-Tim.Wright wrote:Yea I agree, these hanging pictures are useless because there looks to be a marshall holding the front wing in every picture.
You need a direct side on shot with the vehicle hanging freely, then you know the CG is directly under the lifting point
Really!!- You look at those pictures and you get no impression whatsoever about the weight distribution? Are you only comfortable when you have perfect information with no tolerance?
For Instance... If the tow hook was above the rear wing instead of the air-box; a driverless ferrari, a Mercedez a redBull and a mclaren are then hung by cables at the hooking point. You photograph all of them......

There are a lot of things you need to know before you can say one car has distribution here or there.
If I want to find out the difference in weight distribution between these cars, this I would need to find out:
Is the tie strap allowing the car to swing freely?
How far ahead is the driver CoG from the hooking point and the weight of those drivers.
The level of fuel in the tank because The fuel will move when the tank is tilted, and then the location of the fuel cog. which you can't tell from outside.
Which plane are you going to use to intersect the vertical line that I draw?
Finally Most importantly what differences in distance of the Cog along the wheelbase is considered to be significant among the various cars? 5mm 2cm? I need to know what tolerance is acceptable for me to work form the photos before I just say all them are the same anyway.
You can even have things like wind blowing the cars when they are hoisted up.