Tomba will fix that if he gets home from work
If there are other members that have some problems with the poll or some other things, please mention it here!
There are several simple and very good motivations for it:manchild wrote:Just one observation...
Users who want to use "Remember me" option need to enter their name and password and they are logged in for good while users who don't want to be remembered have to check out that box every time they log in. That seams illogical. If someone wants to be remembered he'll check that box once and forget about it. I see no reason why that check box should be checked by default when page is loaded because it needs to be unchecked all the time.
Could you explain this a bit? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.boban-mk wrote:Question for Tomba.
Why forum topics are not visible immediately and i have to scroll to see them?
Page is separated in many parts like News headlines, Forum Topics, Random quote, Developments, Technical Articles and Newest Pictures in gallery.Tomba wrote:Could you explain this a bit? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.boban-mk wrote:Question for Tomba.
Why forum topics are not visible immediately and i have to scroll to see them?