Kimi on the rocks

Kimi Raikkonen has done it again. The Belgian newspaper "Het laatste nieuws" reports that during the three week season break Raikkonen had his drivers licence revoked when the police spotted him driving drunk. The Finn reportedly got loose at a Red Bull party after the Hungarian race. When halted by the police, not only his drivers licence was revoked, but on top of that he was fined a 7500 Dollar fee.
It's not the first time that the Fin was caught to drink and drive. In November 2004, after a fight with wife Jennie, Raikkonen was pulled over by the police. Only a few months before this incident (July 2004), Kimi fell of his boat after a champagne party. In January 2005, the Finnish F1 driver was identified in a nightclub in London where he was meddling with a dancer.
Kimi Raikkonen is also one of the faces for the campagne: Drink OR Drive.