This question is probably a common-sense answer, but I've seemed to overlook it:
If you look at the front wing endplates on virtually all the cars (except maybe the Renault), at the back of the plate, you see a part which is curved outwards. My questions are:
What is this, exactly?
When did this first debut?
What does it do/effect?
And, my hypothesis; would a combination of that design, along with similarly intergrated mid-vanes underneath the wing, and with the shape of the endplae itself, affect the flow of air into the brake ducts transientally (i.e. in the middle of the corner, when the wheels are not in a straight line)?
Thank you for help you can provide. I'm sorry, I do not have a picture available.
Sorry, I do have a picture. My mistake. Here you see it on Karthikeyan's Jordan: