raymondu999 wrote:I think Pirellis are making us rethink the more downforce = less tyre wear conventional wisdom. While excessive sliding would cause wear, I think the Pirellis suffer under heavy loads; both lateral as well as longitudinal. Singapore had a lot of longitudinal loads with traction and braking; and wrecked tyres that way. Suzuka had lots of lateral loadings.
Less downforce would have meant going slower through the sweepers; less degradation that way
I think this is because it's not the tyres wearing out their rubber, it's thermal degradation due to too much heat building up in them. It is in those circumstances that the light on its feet Ferrari will have the upper hand, where they're deriving more of their lap time from being fast on the straights and less from putting load through the tyres in the corners.
Note how at the start of the stint they were unable to quite keep up the pace. They didn't have the downforce to work the tyres and get the most out of them. However towards the end of the stints they had built less tyre temperature and suffered less blistering as a result, and therefore had the advantage.
We saw this earlier in the year as well so it is not a new phenomenon.