aggression in the form of one's mother honor smearing.
Well, aren't all the people here so high and mighty?
Like YOU have never been guilty of such a thing? Really? Never in your life have you called someone an SOB, spawn of Satan, product of a sea hag, or related to one who blows dead bears?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, sir.
Such imprecations are so common and so frequent in everyday speech today, school children use them at recess on a regular basis. Calling someone a MF in the US is so common, it is almost a term of endearment.
I have run a similar site to this for a decade + and have had bumps in the road such as this where one member feels aggrieved by another. My advice? Put the offender on your IGNORE list. That's what it's for. That way, you don't have to suffer the slings and arrows coming at you from the ignorant
poutan tormenting you and the rest of us can go about our business in peace.
In practice, I have found that the person using the Ignore function CAN'T BEAR TO NOT SEE WHAT THE OTHER PERSON IS SAYING ABOUT HIM and overrides the ignore feature. The only solution then is to ban the dumb sod who can't get ignore what he is trying to ignore!
So I propose that if Ciro is SSOOOOOOooooooo sensitive and his feelings are SSOOOOOOoo delicate, that he be banned for his own protection.
What this groups has chosen to do - use a sledge hammer to kill a gnat, imho - seems almost as reprehensible as the actions of the people who slaughtered the staff at the Charlie Hegbo offices because they found some artwork offensive. Yes, the two are worlds apart. But are they, really?
What sort of message does it send when we cannot deal like mature adults with someone who is an outlier? What sort of planet are we on when our primary response to an irritating person is to rub him out the way the Mafia likes to do to people who oppose it?
Dealing with adversity like adults makes us stronger. Going nuclear on someone who offends us sends the wrong message to the rest of society. As Rodney King would say, "Can't we all just get along?"
Sadly, the way this has been handled seems puerile to me. I shall have to consider whether a site that comports itself in such a fashion continues to deserve my attention.