Chene_Mostert wrote:Well Juzh it is as the name suggests -Mid Range-, if you generally operate your engine between 3500 and 10500 RPM then the mid range would be about 6000 to 8000 RPM, generally were you would have your revs prior to accelerating out of slow to medium speed corners.
There is really no other way to define it?
This definition is false. Teams do not operate their engines between 3050 and 10500 rpm (more like 8000-12500). What I consider mid range are revs when you are no longer traction limited and accelerating at full power towards your maximum revs. This used to be important with peaky V8s which had "literally" no power under 17k rpm and gear ratios became essential, but is now obsolete because top power is constant. Mid-range effectively does not exist anymore.