Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 fb cliptheapex 49 25 2 sgtbhaji not606 44 18 3 jambo cliptheapex 41 15 4 bls not606 39 12 5 manutddaredevil ja606 38 10 6 rotaxmax125 f1world 36 8 7 redfrog f1world 35 6 8 onemanband motorsportforums 35 4 9 king_arry ja606 34 2 10 sagi58 forumula1 34 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
pob 33 ilikeracing23 26 bigmangalhit 23 szilva 22
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 110 2 f1world 89 3 not606 55 4 sportsbabble 49 5 ja606 48 6 thefastlane 38 7 f1onboard 28 8 f1technical 27 9 garagistasf1 24 10 v2 16 = forumula1 16 12 motorsportforums 5
pos nickname forum points 1 racecub cliptheapex 5 2 sagi58 forumula1 5 3 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 4 4 pob various 4 5 sco sportsbabble 3 6 king_arry ja606 3 7 pdk f1world 2 8 andykarter f1world 2 9 dreggssf1 f1onboard 2 10 bls not606 2
It's still the case that you need to select Kvyat if you want to predict Verstappen and vice versa.pob wrote: Slightly late predictions can be emailed to support@zdkf1.com and will be included at zdkf1's discretion but if you post them on here too I will at least include them towards the league.
Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 pob f1technical 62 25 2 juliuscaesar not606 52 18 3 dreggsf1 f1onboard 50 15 4 wehateowls garagistasf1 50 12 5 f1madgirl f1world 48 10 6 ilikeracing23 f1technical 47 8 7 sardaor cliptheapex 46 6 8 redfrog f1world 44 4 9 elbando not606 42 2 10 onemanband motorsportforums 39 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
bigmangalhit 37 vfc_cipher 32 szilva 24
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 116 2 f1world 103 3 not606 75 4 f1technical 60 5 sportsbabble 49 6 ja606 48 7 f1onboard 43 8 thefastlane 38 9 garagistasf1 36 10 v2 16 = forumula1 16 12 motorsportforums 6
nickname points pos (/52) pos on zdkf1 (/274) pob 227 4 25 vfc_cipher 195 17 103 ilikeracing23 187 21 139 bigmangalhit 181 29 157 szilva 150 41 228 kiki18 139 44 ~233 yurrita 138 45 234 skitnik 90 51 270 sniffit 87 52 272
pos nickname forum points 1 racecub cliptheapex 6 2 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 5 3 sagi58 forumula1 5 4 pob f1technical 5 5 sco sportsbabble 4 6 king_arry ja606 4 7 redfrog f1world 3 8 pdk f1world 3 9 dreggsf1 f1onboard 3 10 bls not606 3
Pos_nickname_______forum_______zdkf1_points__forum_points 1__jambo___________cliptheapex______51___________25 2__vfc_cipher______f1technical______49___________18 3__pdk_____________f1world__________48___________15 4__bls_____________not606___________47___________12 5__dreggsf1________f1onboard________45___________10 6__eternalmsc______not606___________44____________8 7__cider_and_toast_cliptheapex______44____________6 8__redfrog_________f1world__________43____________4 9__alcig___________v2_______________43____________2 10_steveaki13______motorsportforums_41____________1score for also rans from f1technical:
Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 jambo cliptheapex 51 25 2 vfc_cipher f1technical 49 18 3 pdk f1world 48 15 4 bls not606 47 12 5 dreggsf1 f1onboard 45 10 6 eternalmsc not606 44 8 7 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 44 6 8 redfrog f1world 43 4 9 alcig v2 43 2 10 steveaki13 motorsportforums 41 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
bigmangalhit36 turbostu 33 tomba 27
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 147 2 f1world 122 3 not606 95 4 f1technical 78 5 f1onboard 53 6 sportsbabble 49 7 ja606 48 8 thefastlane 38 9 garagistasf1 36 10 v2 18 11 forumula1 16 12 motorsportforums 7
nickname points pos (/56) pos on zdkf1 (/278) vfc_cipher 244 9 69 bigmangalhit 217 27 154 ilikeracing23 213 33 168 tomba 213 34 ~169 turbostu 181 44 225 szilva 165 47 233 kiki18 146 48 ~239 yurrita 142 49 240 skitnik 98 55 270 sniffit 96 56 274
pos nickname forum points 1 pob various 7 2 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 6 3 racecub cliptheapex 6 4 sagi58 forumula1 6 5 dreggsf1 f1onboard 6 6 manutddaredevil ja606 5 7 king_arry ja606 5 8 jb not606 4 9 sco sportsbabble 4 10 redfrog f1world 4
Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 king_arry ja606 50 25 2 alcig v2 49 18 3 fb cliptheapex 46 15 4 redfrog f1world 43 12 5 andykarter f1world 42 10 6 tranquilchaos ja606 42 8 7 koz motorsportforums 39 6 8 juliuscaesar not606 38 4 9 amelia sportsbabble 38 2 10 jambo cliptheapex 38 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
bigmangalhit 35 ilikeracing23 34 vfc_cipher 31 pob 31
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 163 2 f1world 144 3 not606 99 4 ja606 81 5 f1technical 78 6 f1onboard 53 7 sportsbabble 51 8 thefastlane 38 9 v2 36 10 garagistasf1 36 11 forumula1 16 12 motorsportforums 13
nickname points pos (/56) pos on zdkf1 (/278) pob 289 6 39 vfc_cipher 275 10 67 bigmangalhit 252 25 145 ilikeracing23 247 28 156 tomba 237 33 ~180 turbostu 206 43 220 szilva 187 47 231 kiki18 152 48 ~239 yurrita 148 49 240 skitnik 106 55 270 sniffit 103 56 273
pos nickname forum points 1 pob various 7 2 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 6 3 dreggsf1 f1onboard 6 4 racecub cliptheapex 6 5 sagi58 forumula1 6 6 manutddaredevil ja606 5 7 king_arry ja606 5 8 redfrog f1world 4 9 bls not606 4 10 sco sportsbabble 4
Pos_nickname_______forum_______zdkf1_points__forum_points 1__stairs__________sportsbabble_____34___________25 2__alcig___________v2_______________33___________18 3__steveaki13______motorsportforums_31___________15 4__elbando_________not606___________30___________12 5__mr_swiss________motorsportforums_29___________10 6__tranquilchaos___ja606____________28____________8 7__redfrog_________f1world__________28____________6 8__cider_and_toast_cliptheapex______26____________4 9__pdk_____________f1world__________26____________2 10_dreggsf1________f1onboard________25____________1Also rans from f1technical:
pob 23 bigmangalhit 21I'm gutted as my points were roughly halved on the final lap
Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 stairs sportsbabble 34 25 2 alcig v2 33 18 3 steveaki13 motorsportforums 31 15 4 elbando not606 30 12 5 mr_swiss motorsportforums 29 10 6 tranquilchaos ja606 28 8 7 redfrog f1world 28 6 8 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 26 4 9 pdk f1world 26 2 10 dreggsf1 f1onboard 25 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
pob 23 bigmangalhit 21
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 167 2 f1world 152 3 not606 111 4 ja606 89 5 f1technical 78 6 sportsbabble 76 7 f1onboard 54 8 v2 54 9 thefastlane 38 10 motorsportforums 38 11 garagistasf1 36 12 forumula1 16
nickname points pos (/56) pos on zdkf1 (/279) pob 312 5 39 vfc_cipher 292 13 88 bigmangalhit 273 26 147 ilikeracing23 261 29 174 tomba 255 31 ~187 turbostu 222 44 223 szilva 193 47 233 kiki18 157 48 ~239 yurrita 155 49 240 skitnik 110 55 273 sniffit 108 56 274
pos nickname forum points 1 dreggsf1 f1onboard 8 2 pob f1technical 7 3 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 6 4 racecub cliptheapex 6 5 elbando not606 6 6 sagi58 forumula1 6 7 redfrog f1world 5 8 sardaor cliptheapex 5 9 manutddaredevil ja606 5 10 king_arry ja606 5
Pos nickname forum zdkf1 points forum points 1 jambo cliptheapex 49 25 2 f1madgirl f1world 46 18 3 bls not606 46 15 4 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 43 12 5 sco sportsbabble 43 10 6 steveaki13 motorsportforums 41 8 7 redfrog f1world 41 6 8 chelseamf ja606 40 4 9 mr_swiss motorsportforums 39 2 10 sgtbhaji not606 35 1scores for also rans from f1technical:
Pos Forum Points 1 cliptheapex 204 2 f1world 176 3 not606 127 4 ja606 93 5 sportsbabble 86 6 f1technical 78 7 f1onboard 54 8 v2 54 9 motorsportforums 48 10 thefastlane 38 11 garagistasf1 36 12 forumula1 16
nickname points pos (/57) pos on zdkf1 (/280) vfc_cipher 306 25 140 ilikeracing23 289 29 178 bigmangalhit 288 30 179 tomba 255 40 ~213 turbostu 241 45 222 szilva 199 48 234 kiki18 164 49 ~241 yurrita 161 50 243 skitnik 117 56 274 sniffit 116 57 275
pos nickname forum points 1 dreggsf1 f1onboard 8 2 pob various 8 3 cider_and_toast cliptheapex 7 4 racecub cliptheapex 7 5 sagi58 forumula1 7 6 elbando not606 6 7 king_arry ja606 6 8 redfrog f1world 5 9 sardaor cliptheapex 5 10 manutddaredevil ja606 5