I agree.
My beef is that to not even acknowledge it, and to then have the excuse of... it wasn't an issue brought up to us to we didn't address it? It's just laughable and hence the WWE reference, which let's face it, is exactly what this was.
I agree it would be stupid to penalize the driver for it but then why the inconsistency in when the penalties are applied and then the wildly inconsistent level of severity when they are?
We did have a lengthy discussion around Baku where there was an initial contact by Vettel, there was the intentional ramming and then an actual overtake while under a SC and none of those were addressed. The rules are being arbitrarily applied based on who knows what and that's been the clear issue.
What's worse is that Liberty has not mentioned a lick of addressing that in their rush to change so many other things about the "spectacle" of the show. IMO it's the single biggest issue in the sport and no one want's to talk about it.