Wow, mods are one sided

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johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Well, on the upside, its not very often its boring in here :wink:

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Aero - If you don't see the posts and report, or your fellow forumites don't report them - how do we get to see that you find them to be out of order? You're quote right too..the 3 lettered mod :mrgreen: is great.

This ought to be a self managing place full of intelligent adults who are capable of engaging in an acceptable way. :shock:

We manage it when walking through town, or at the shops...but sometimes on ehre are we forgetting how to be civil, respectful etc?
Report it. We will have a look at it - maybe something will get done, or maybe it won't. That will not depend on anyone in the mod team having a bias towards a team. That would be self defeating and lead to accusations of bias....

FWIW - If I would have to declare any interest in a team - Who would I want to win, all else being equal... I'll dump my brains so you can get a flavour of it - maybe it bioggles you that you don't need a "team" for this racing lark to be enjoyable.

If a team could pull a win out of nowhere in Brazil?
Williams. Be great if they stopped being so poor! Grew up with them being amazing and so I think if I had a favourite it would be them.

I like Renault/Alpine as I appreciate their stubborn attitude in persisting in the competition. Alonso is remarkable in still having 95% of his pace. There were few who used to drag the 99% from the shitbox car for 99% of the time. I thikn he was closest to Schumi in balance of talent. Not the outright fastest but was consistent. Ocon needed to really put manners on Fernando and I suspect Pierre will have his measure next year...

hmm - Used to like Jordan, didn;t like Spyker/Midland or the later, post corruption Force India. Aston is fully meh. Could not care less about them as it is all false tits and trout pout. Nothing to it.

Alpha Tauri aka Minardi were very cool when they were rolling with Alonso and Marques / Webber /Yoong. Can't say that since Toro Rosso died and they are a fashion brand that I can find myself bothered for them but I would like to see Yuki do well. He is cool.

Red Bull - Enjoyed their tech skills in the coanda years. The threads on here were also excellent. ( as was the 'dead zone/ F duct) I am a Honda fan ever since the WIlliams/Lotus Hondas back in 1987 - Nigel Mansell and Nelson Piquet in the Williams left an impression on me. Am happy to see Honda doing well. Can't find myself interested in energy drinks but recognise their excellence. Max is obviously a talented dude and some of his radio amuses me. Suspect he'll be more likeable as he gets older. Sergio - am glad he has the chance as he was shat on in McLaren back in the day so good he has this prime team opportunity

Sauber - they were also great but since they went Blue and nearly went bust and the false, not a fan. Exciting to see how Audi might change them. couldn't even think who drives for them these days, so anonymous and lacking in direction.. Ahhh Zhou! I want him to do well but he needs to beat Bottas..and that isn;t happening. Liking the Bottas 3.0 - he is more genuine and showing more easily understood speed in this crap car.

McLaren - yep - was not really a fan but I always loved Senna. Enjoyed Hakkinnen in his pomp and the MP4-20 was a lovely car. Sterile though. Like Lando and Daniel so happy to see them do well.

Merc - sterile and stupendously boring when winning all the time. Bottas was wasted and Lewis was an machine but for me..didn't ever become a fan but cannot knock his amazing pace at times. George is lacking charisma but I like his speed - be good when that car is not a (relative) dog

Ferrari - lol- had to think who I;d not mentioned. They are not so much special name for me - respect their history bubt disagree with any historical payments they received ( has that now gone under cost cap?)
I would like Ferrari to win some more though - they must drive their fans mad with the constant dropping of the ball. I like both Charles and Carlos - they seem to be good lads and deserve some success - Carlos more so for the driving in most of the teams on the grid - dedicated chap

HAAS - not a fan of the rules that allows them to go shopping and come in. They will never win the championship as long as I have a hole in my bum so why bother...what is the motivation? Can't become engaged with them because they make no sense - saying that - if there was a chance of a race win then I would be glad to see it. Be cool if Mick didn;t have his career ruined by no challenge from Mazepin last year and now being trounced by Magnussen. Kev is a dude - be great if he got a shot.

Overall - competition is needed and I have been watching and been engaged as a proper geek for over 30 some of the massive fandom of teams (new RB/Merc) - don't get it. Teams also come and go. There is every chance that Merc might leave again, or RB decides to quit. Merc was BAR Honda 20 years ago... RB was Jaguar.

So.. put that in your pipes people. Am too old for this bias crap. :o :wtf: :D

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


CMSMJ1 wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 00:06
Aero - If you don't see the posts and report, or your fellow forumites don't report them - how do we get to see that you find them to be out of order? You're quote right too..the 3 lettered mod :mrgreen: is great.
I agree, I did address this in the thread that my post got deleted in. Its a joint effort.

To address your point, I did report the post that I quoted. The mod that deleted mine and complained in my PM box about my own post, was the same mod that closed the report within 5 minutes of sending me a message and deleting my response defending myself.

He basically said, hostility (in the example of this case, personal attacks directed at members) are okay in the context that they are retaliatory to another user if that user is critical of the offending posters favourite team.

to top it off, he also informed me that he thought the post that was directed at me, was actually directed at Platinum Zealot, so the Mod falls foul of giving an offensive post a pass on attacking two different members.

how very efficient :)

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


AeroDynamic wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 00:13
He basically said, hostility (in the example of this case, personal attacks directed at members) are okay in the context that they are retaliatory to another user if that user is critical of the offending posters favourite team.
If you have the ability to prove this (still have the pm), then this should be sent to Steven and other moderators, and the moderator who sent it should have their moderator privileges removed! IMO
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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


dans79 wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 00:31
AeroDynamic wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 00:13
He basically said, hostility (in the example of this case, personal attacks directed at members) are okay in the context that they are retaliatory to another user if that user is critical of the offending posters favourite team.
If you have the ability to prove this (still have the pm), then this should be sent to Steven and other moderators, and the moderator who sent it should have their moderator privileges removed! IMO
I asked in response to my warning why the post I responded to –– which clearly falls foul of the rules and lay of the land here –– is still standing:

dude's a RB hater and a merc zealot since the start, just ignore him.
Why is that [post] not considered hostility and allowed to stand? Why isn't that considered personal?
Mod response:
I literally thought that the reference was to platinum zealot!

Anyways, it changes nothing, makes it worse, actually. Context matters. You come to this thread to tell people how much their team sucks, a bit of hostility is to be expected, no?
resulting in no action on the post.

he then referenced a previous incident explaining why my warning is justified (which I dont argue, the warning is fair and irrelevant to the issue im addressing) but allowing certain members to draw blood personally based on perceived 'your team sucks' posts is a slippery slope. In the same thread, I complimented the team as being great. If my posts come across as thinking an individual or an operational decision was poor, thats specific. Not that I said they sucked anyway.

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


People should be temporarliy banned from posting in certain threads because all they do is bring hate instead of constructive discussion

If you are known as a RB hater, then any RB thread is unavailable to you until you change your tone

Same goes for Mercedes threads

The fact that a poster that just joined in October started this thread about moderators being one sided because they couldn't continue with their anti RB agenda is hilarious

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Dee wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 01:06
People should be temporarliy banned from posting in certain threads because all they do is bring hate instead of constructive discussion
I agree to this. While forums are for open discussions, but if there is a trend of an individual creating bad noise on a thread or a post is just to instigate, that individual has no place there.

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


One view:

What would happen in a goal orientated organisation if it had this forum's deficits?

It can be argued that the forums positives outweigh the deficits but those deficits will always discount the progress.
Another way to put it: is this functionality optimal?

I take it a lot of members and moderators are professional engineers or similar, when there are adversarial remarks is this how they would conduct themselves in work meetings?

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Another view:

From the discussion about Musk's takeover of Twitter
"It's said that content moderation is not rocket science but in some ways it's more complex and nuanced than that." from Australia's e-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.

That commission was formed because of the recognition of the need to regulate and protect. This came about after some very sad and needless deaths from online dysfunction.

The area being dicussed is social media and this forum is part of that. What goes with the creation of platforms is a responsiblity. I'm sure that in the beginning it was a good idea to create something where like-minded (the irony of that!) people can share thoughts about motor racing.

That inherent responsibilty is about minimising harmful and unnecessary commentary where there is a lack of emotional regulation and a sense of decency.
Disclaimer: I fell for that myself recently when a moderator affiliate was espousing highly mistaken words of ignorant prejudice which I have no doubt whatsoever they would not say to the target's face under any circumstance except drunkeness maybe. In this case the moderators had a major fail.

So I would urge the moderators to do a 360 degree review of their modus operandi and see if there is room for improvement.

Having said all that it sounds like a lot of negatives whereas in fact the majority of comments and moderation is tremendous, so just some fine tuning and all will be well.

Joined: 22 Oct 2022, 03:23

Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Dee wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 01:06
People should be temporarliy banned from posting in certain threads because all they do is bring hate instead of constructive discussion

If you are known as a RB hater, then any RB thread is unavailable to you until you change your tone

Same goes for Mercedes threads

The fact that a poster that just joined in October started this thread about moderators being one sided because they couldn't continue with their anti RB agenda is hilarious
It's not about being a hater. In many cases just holding a contrary view is enough to get the mob lighting their torches and reaching for their pitchforks. That then gets the individual "dealt with" to calm down the angry mob. So we end up with mob rule. Not healthy and leads to the echo chamber situation.

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


TimW wrote:
29 Oct 2022, 12:54
Thumbs up for the mods, IMNSHO you are doing a great job. Thanks for good work in keeping things readable (when possible....)

For the posters complaining, think before you post. Does what your post add to the discussion? Have you posted it before? If someone disagrees with you, that is not a reason to repeat your opinion again. Someone posting like a broken record? That is not a reason to become a broken record yourself.

So again, thanks for the great work! =D>
I too would like to express my support for the Mods. We are enjoying a free service, and if people don't like the people writing and enforcing the rules, they should start their own forum. Or just hang out in Reddit, where they can spew out whatever they like.

To have had this forum running for so long, and giving people like me a venue to nerd down, is a great achievement. have a fear the influx of hateful fanboys might threaten the longevity of this forum. They make it all less enjoyable, really, and aslo ads workload on to the mods.

If I were to propose a change, it would actually to become more draconian. This site is named F1 technical, and should be about all stuff technical in F1. Whether or not Red Bull cheated in regards to the cost cap is actually not a technical question. However, how much they might have gained from it and how much they will loose with the loss of wind tunnel time is.

Another example is the Las Vegas GP thread, that has become a moanfest about the ticket prices. The prices seems excessive for sure, but that's not a technical issue.

Again, dear mods, keep up the good work.

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Agree with the above. However I think there does need to be a few non technical threads. There wouldn’t be half as much to discuss if it was strictly technical talk only.

Joined: 22 Oct 2022, 03:23

Re: Wow, mods are one sided


UlleGulle wrote:
08 Nov 2022, 11:46

If I were to propose a change, it would actually to become more draconian. This site is named F1 technical, and should be about all stuff technical in F1. Whether or not Red Bull cheated in regards to the cost cap is actually not a technical question. However, how much they might have gained from it and how much they will loose with the loss of wind tunnel time is.
One might make a reasonable argument that the rules and the interpretation and enforcement thereof is a technical subject. It may not be engineering, but it is technical - they are dealing with technicalities, after all.

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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


I see the original question still hasn't been answered, that is if the mods are bias towards Red Bull and if they're deleting posts to protect Red Bull's reputation or image. I believe the mods have been evasive with long complete history's of each teams strengths and weaknesses but no outright denial of the Red Bull bias issue. I conclude the mods are bias but continue to work hard to keep things balanced.

Looks like 6 teams have gone over the budget in 2022, so I would call them all cheaters. It's like the Lance Armstrong, everyone else was doping, so his team did it as well.

So it looks like Red Bull fans will have a chance to bash others soon, would the mods delete the posts? So stick around.
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Re: Wow, mods are one sided


Conclude whatever you like (in spite of evidential responses), it’s your opinion.

I hope that there are six teams over-cap this year, it’ll balance things out nicely.
Perspective - Understanding that sometimes the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.