F1T fantasy competition 2007

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F1T fantasy competition 2007


With the start of F1 2007 coming closer quickly, I would like to point to our fantasy competition.
Last year Spencifer_murphy suggested such a game and decided to start one for the members of F1technical. While it was pretty much fun, spencifer was a little bit too busy to keep up calculating the results after every race.

I'm not sure about you all, but I'd be interested in a 2007 version of our game, and this simply better.

Would you like to organise it? Any suggestions? Shoot :!:

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I think it's a nice idea to have the F1Technical Fantasy game back up and running, but as you know I'm too busy with school, internships and of course posting the news on this amazing website :wink:

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Will it be the same version as last years? Also only forum members above a certain amount of postS?
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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Hmmmm...I would be able to do it, if there is enough interest. But I would like to do a simplified version just for the fact that I don't want to run into the same problem as Spencifer of it taking too much time to compile and post results. If I have a busy week, I would be forced to make the same decision that he did and blow off the game. But if we keep it simple enough, it won't take long to compile and be easy to manage.

What I suggest is for race and quali points awarded the same way--Only first three positions pay points; 1st=4 pts., 2nd=2 pts., 3rd-1 pt. each for Driver, Chassis and Engine. I suppose we could (should?) go deeper in the field like down to 6th in the old GP style points system. As for budget and team selection, we just use the old method Spencer devised.

Any thoughts?

Joined: 17 May 2006, 19:27
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I'm In!


Hi, how are you guys?
I've created an Excel File that can calculate the results of a F1 weekend in just seconds. Actually it only takes you 5 minutes to fill the information and the results just pop out!
Although this file is not debugged 100% (like a good McLaren fan I am, he he he :D ) I can do that part of the job.
I think that competition was really interesting and fun, I wouldn't like loosing it . It was fun to read your posts even when I didn't have a Team.

I would like to discuss some of the rules of the game, but count me in!
"I've already altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader to Lando Calrissian. The Empire Strikes Back.
"Progress is not always made by reasonable men." (McLaren Racing).
"We have optimised the lateral optical interface of the building." (Translation: "My factory has a lot of windows.") Ron Dennis.-

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Spyker MF1
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I would do something but I've exams towards the end of the scool year and have reivising and stuff to do :x .

Can I join next season btw.
I'll have to read the whole thread to get a proper idea of how the game works now
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I'd be more than happy to keep on at it, but I'd really appreciate some help to prevent the back-log which caused the catastrophic faliure we expierienced in 2006!

Like when i went on holiday, it left a backlog that I was unable to clear. If there was a small team of 2 or 3 of us calculating and posting the results, we could avoid such problems in the future.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Sebbe is right and have the time, so I vote for him (fuerza, canejo!).

I suggest to award points the same way FIA does (well, no jokes on that, pleeze), because if a team becomes dominant (ehem...) the "championship" would be decided beforehand and we will have a high possibility of ties.

I suggest to Sebbe to produce an input worksheet to be filled by the members, to avoid re-typing numbers. If there are 20.000 hits a day, who knows how many people will participate this year.

Joined: 17 May 2006, 19:27
Location: Argentina


OK. Spencifer, Sebbe; anyone else?
"I've already altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader to Lando Calrissian. The Empire Strikes Back.
"Progress is not always made by reasonable men." (McLaren Racing).
"We have optimised the lateral optical interface of the building." (Translation: "My factory has a lot of windows.") Ron Dennis.-

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Did we not set in the rules last year, the top 2 teams from last years will get a bigger budget?

I dont mind who does it. But i think we should bring back the tradition of Press releases after each race :wink:

Maybe We can mock up our own Liverys?
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Wasn't it the top 3 teams (Hugh Jazz Racing is at the third position right now..after starting 14th) that get a money boost?. Also who sets the rates for the purchases? I still think we shuold allow people to join in with a certain amount of posts?
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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The final results are not in yet
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I particularely enjoyed the press releases each race (thanks m3_lover for starting that gem). They were as much fun to write as they were to read. In fact perhaps we should have a competition for the best press comments too?
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

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Yeah, Sebbe, go for it! That sounds much better than what I proposed. I am still willing to help if there is a need.

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Hi all,

Sebbe and Spencifer, I think together you might be able to get a grips on it. I can't simply decide what the rules should be, but I think last year's system was pretty good and we should not alter too much about the basics (although sometimes I was under the impression that reliability was slightly too important).

Would you have any idea on how much teams would be possible?

If we'd have several more teams, it may get a bit busy, so I would plan to make a game page with all the rules and information on how to subscribe. Once we get going, it is probably also better to have a thread per race, where the first post are the results and standings.