Suzuka anyone?

How good would that be!!

Have you ever watched a NASCAR night race like Dave mentioned? It's no more dangerous than a day race. To say so is totally ignorant. How could it possibly be more dangerous? It can't. The only thing I can thing of that would be more dangerous is the medical helicopter not being able to see so well. Waste of electricity? Please. We waste more energy doing other things like heating our homes when all you have to do is put on a sweatshirt.miqi23 wrote:Night races, well I dont understand why really. Lets see, health and safety first and if they want to light up the whole circuit and make sure things are clear wasting loads of money on electricity etc, I think day races are better off and is fun too.
You have to understand that here in the South, we grew up on saturday night racing. So it may seem watered down to you and others, but we love it cause it's the norm for us. I do admit that it loses some of it glamor, but we are used to night racing like that so it really doesn't bother us. Hell, I want more night races simply because it isn't so damn hot!bhallg2k wrote:Admittedly, I'm not a fan of NASCAR at all. But sometimes I find it tolerable simply because of night racing. It adds an extra dimension that makes the race a little more interesting. Though, it must be said, NASCAR, as is the case with many things, does it too much, and has totally watered down the concept in their own sport.