Sidepod shield for BMW Sauber

After Renault introduced their version of the sidepod shield at Montreal, BMW now also have one. Instead of a shield though, it is more of a winglet, as at the inside of the vertical place, a small wing is attached to push air upwards and gain some downforce. The plates of Renault and Honda do not have any such wing and function only as guidance for the air passing by.
It\'s interesting to note that the more appendages todays F1 racers have, the less performance/consistancy they have (look at Toyota, BMW, Mclaren...basically everyone but Ferrari and Renault!) The Ferrari\'s have always been so simple by design and are always competing for the podium. Why is that? Is it ALL in the tires or are there unseen details that the other cars don\'t have? If i were an F1 designer/engineer I would concentrate on the basic design and not waste time on these tricks. It\'s worked for Ferrari.