Copycats in F1: cockpit wing for BMW

Aside from the shark fins that are being copied quickly by all the teams, there are other elements of interest that teams are eager to test themselves and eventually race them. One such example is the addition of a small wing on both sides of the cockpit, just ahead of the wing mirrors. Renault initially started off in 2006, and meanwhile McLaren and Ferrari have introduced their own version. Now, it's BMW's turn.
Mark the downward direction of the wing. As a result, the wing by itself will create a little lift, surely to be compensated by improved cooling - slightly more air will enter the sidepod - or better airflow towards the rear wing.
"Ferrari initially started off, and meanwhile Renault and McLaren have introduced their own version." that is wrong, Renault started it end 2006 when they used the same wings that were above the suspension in front of the cockpit, in 2007 they designed new ones and mclaren copied the 2006 ones in australia, after that Ferrari came with their version in the France gp