Deceivingly simple Ferrari front wing

While many claim the new Ferrari F60 front wing as a simple implementation of the new rules, its simplicity is actually surprisingly deceiving. When taking a closer look at the outer part of the front wing, it becomes apparent that the end plates are once again very curvatious. Contrary to last year, the 2009 style panels aim to direct air to the outside of the front wheel, contrary of the inside as last year's front wings were considerably smaller. You can also notice a small winglet attached to the end plate's floor, also directing air away from the front wheel.
The main downforce generating flap consist of a single element which is now adjustable by a hydraulic actuator built into the endplate. At the outer extremities, the panel folds back, attempting to cooperate with the endplate. This design hints that in this area the reduction of drag is more important than additional downforce.
One last thing to remark is the Williams-style deck panel, only attached to the endplate. It is a single element with a slightly sharper angle of attack in the 5cm closest to the endplate - note the shadow on the Shell logo.