Even more louvers on the F1.09

Strangely, the more you seem to look at the F1.09, the more louvers, also known as shark gills - you discover. I have already reported about the little outlets close to the car's floor, but there is a series or openings just aside of the head protection bumps on the car's body. Being located so close to the car's centre line, this falls just within the regulations.
Article 3.8.4 states (among other notices) that no openings are allowed in "the volume between the rear face of the cockpit entry template and 450mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template, which is more than 350mm from the car centre line and more than 100mm above the reference plane.". Hence, in the area closer than 350mm from the car's centre line, shark gills or any other opening of any kind is permitted as before.
Not much to say, except that BMW is definately looking for every hole in the regs.
And I was mainly trying to see if I could comment here, since I haven't been able to do so in quite a while.