A closer look onto Toyota's diffuser

Toyota look to be back where they were early on in the season, close to the front runners. After a mid-season struggle, the team introduced several updates that shaved a few tenths off the car's pace. Currently, Toyota's TF109 is running with a double deck diffuser much alike that of Brawn or McLaren with a downward bend in the centre. Previously the double deck diffuser had a design similar to Williams' initial design, but the Japanese team quickly understood the advantages of the improved concept once other teams came around to race with it.
Interesting is also the bottom end of the rear wing endplates. It basically is an improved version of Red Bull's long endplates, adding small openings and curves to extract air from the inside of the panel to the outside, hence adding downforce. The outside of the diffuser also features a small winglet, pushing air up just like the diffuser pulls it up.
Finally, also marked with an arrow is the position of the lower wing element of the rear wing. Toyota modified the rear end of the car to allow a free airstream under the wing, a concept the Red Bull RB5 featured already at the Australian GP.