(2nd day when the team made 100laps)
Reason for the stoppage on its 101st lap was an electronic issue which is really trivial. Could fire up the engine without problem in the garage after the car returned to the pit. (Arai)
Honda staff are working 24h, night shift and daytime shift (must be same for Mclaren staff I guess) (info in the article)
(3rd day review, KMag 39laps, ended the day due to oil leak)
PU run on the 3rd day was the same PU that made 101 laps on the 2nd day (info in the article)
oil leak somewhere deep inside the machine (Boullier)
identified where oil leaked already. but the need for analyzing its effect on other components is the reason why had to call it a day, and the work still continuing at nighttime. Will decide which component to exchange for tomorrow (4th day) run depending on the result of the analysis. (Honda)
State of the system itself is almost "raceable" already. But we need to check and evaluate various things with actual race condition in mind. PU itself is functioning properly, so we're confident that we can have some good running on the final day. (Arai)
(4th day review)
~10:30 Honda staff finished installing measures for oil leak issue that compromised the prev day running, and set the PU ready
10:30~ then, Mclaren staff started sensor check
12:50 finally out to make 2 laps installation run
13:00 lunch
during the race, various situations are expected to happen, so we wanted to do setup work, check what kind of mapping/setting is required for which situation (namely race simulation I guess), but we could only have limited running, so we had to prioritize other data gathering works. But we could collect a lot of data, so we'll make preparation working with Mclaren.(Arai)
It's not that this same PU we're running at testing will be run in the opening race. This week we tried various parts and components, some of which worked well, some did not. We were collecting data in order for building the opening race spec PU. So we'd like to go back to Japan and work on the race spec PU based on the data collected. We already have pieces, and it will be "race against the time", but we reckon it is possible to establish the reliability. We do not
intend to go to the opening race without securing reliability. (Arai)