Innovo 2012 F1 Car - Tozza Mazza and JordanGP

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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Cheers Ringo, Problem solved.

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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Time for a quick update.

The side pods and engine cover are very much in progress, with the survival cell being completed around them.

The engine has been re-done, as the measurements were off, as was the shape, and the gearbox will be started soon.

This just leaves suspension, Front Wing, Gearbox and aero bits (barge boards and numerous vanes) and we have a complete base car, ready to develop.

For those interested here is a picture of the new 'developmental' Front Wing. It's developmental because it's so basic, but has a massive scope for development. The only piece missing, is the flap. You can see it's basic, but hopefully effective :D


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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Tozza Mazza wrote:Good point,I should have explained, and thought I had!

We ran an analysis after this one with the ride height, but the results were pretty much the same (we know that's because of the lack of a floor), then again, we were only looking at diffuser pressure at this point.

I can get some for you (I think), But there is little difference between the two analysis (I haven't actually seen the analysis with ride height), But I can't be certain that images are available.

you can't model a diffuser without the car, because the low pressure behind the car helps drive the diffuser.
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Yes you can. I think you meant test it with CFD and get meaningful results. We've been over this before.

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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


I agree with Pierce89, the Rear wing and bodywork around the floor and diffuser have huge impact on the diffuser itself, you are taking these things away so the floor results will be far from realistic.

And MIKEY_!, I would like to know how that is done, because every floor test I have seen here Incorporated the whole car, or at least the rearward bit of the car
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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


We won't be running the rear end again until the whole car is completed.

Then the real work will begin, turning the base, into a real masterpiece, utilizing the CFD.

P.S we were going to leave in the whole rear end, it was a rear end analysis, with a floor to utilize the diffuser.
Last edited by Tozza Mazza on 13 Nov 2011, 20:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


@tozza: have you already decided what cfd program to use for pre processsing, solving and post processing?
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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


shelly wrote:@tozza: have you already decided what cfd program to use for pre processsing, solving and post processing?
We are using Solidworks Flow Simulation.

This we can import our design from the software we are using to actually design the part.

Joined: 18 Nov 2011, 04:11

Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


What you guys are trying to do just blows me away. Having no previous Aero knowledge this is excellent. Just reading your posts have taught me quite a lot. I can't wait to see your finished product and even more of your steps to getting there.

Joined: 23 Nov 2011, 19:15

Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Hello you all gentlemen!
I´m also really amazed of your work!!
In fact, I´m finishing my Mechanical Engineering career and this subject is wich I´ve choosen for my Final Career Work.
I´d be so interested in getting in contact with you, but I wasn´t able send you a private message...I guess it´s becouse I´m so noob...
I´m working on Ansys Workbench & Fluent for CFD becouse of my University´s license, and Solid Edge for designing...
Do you think, Tozza Mazza we could have a little talk about your great work??
I sincerely thank you anyway!!

Joined: 29 Aug 2007, 08:45

Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Tozza, it would be cool if you made a tutorial from beginning to finish of one of your cfd runs on a part. There just aren't that many online :mrgreen:

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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


fastback33 wrote:Tozza, it would be cool if you made a tutorial from beginning to finish of one of your cfd runs on a part. There just aren't that many online :mrgreen:
I'll ask the guy who runs it all for us to see if he could make one.

Would it be best if we waited for the whole car? :D

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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Just a quick post of some pre-renders, just so you all know we're still working!

Just a brief overview of our current sidepod design process, as well as new floor/diffuser. Everything here is still very much WIP, but just some evidence that we're working.


As you can see here, we have gone for a concave/convex mix diffuser shape, but everything is still within the first design stages.

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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


Nice, keep up the good work gents! =D>
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Re: Innovo 2012 F1 Car


what's the wheel base?
For Sure!!