Fair enough Saribro
, but like I said, its a fact that F1 has a lower carbon foot print than Tennis, Golf or Football.
A fact that I've read or hear about from more than just one source.
If Philip Morris is willing to spend so much on adverising on an F1 car whith so little exposure, surely F1's a good advertising arena? Then the "earth car" is a great adverisement for the environment, and a charity that should help ofset the damage it may be causing.
Furthermore at least this damage that it's causing is used for actually moving forward...most road cars spend an inordinate amount of time pumping CO2 into the atmosphere whilst standing still, stuck in traffic.
And it doesnt matter if the movement the cars are making is not actually getting people where they need to go, because after all its "just a sport", because Football, Tennis and Golf are all "just sports" with seeminly little importance (if you take that view that is) but they have larger carbon footprints, and its alright for THEM to pollute the atmosphere...but woe-betide anybody who tried to make their sport more environmentally friendly because it invoves cars...how can that EVER be environmentally friendly, forget the fact that in a years time F1 will become the ONLY sport on earth who is enlisting some of the best engineering brains on the planet to develop more economical technology, and thus make it cheaper and thus more feasible in road car technology.
Like I said, the majority of the media are just looking for somebody else to slag off...good news goesn't sell, but writing some ill-informed craps which obviously has no real research, and plugging in only ONE real statistic that paints a bleak picture, in order to slag off a company, its name, and what it's trying to do (lets face it, Honda have got some balls to do this, none of the others seem this keen) THAT SELLS.
Ah yes that's right, it SELLS, its all about the money, not reporting the unbiased truth. Now who's the hypocrite?
Sometime the media can be disgusting. Honda sould be appluaded for this, for making an effort, and taking the first step. BUT insted they get all their effort thrown back in their face. There's no pleasing some people.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.