pgj wrote:This is going slightly off topic, but how is an active suspension defined. What system/process would cause the scrutineers to say that is an active suspension?
[edit grammar]
I don't think your question is off topic at all, far from it in fact. Although I fear that my own rambling below could well be considered off topic (sorry guys!).
My understanding of Active vs. Passive is largely informed by the dictionary definition of the word active:
Active - Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; — opposed to passive,
One example of the difference I encounter regularly is when discussing movement detection devices.
One type of device is called a "Passive Infra Red Movement Detector" which works by detecting a difference in the pattern of Infra Red light which lands on it's two (at least) sensors.
Another type of device is called an "Active Infra-Red Beam Interruption Detector". This type of device works by shining an Infra-Red light source at a target sensor. If the light beam is interrupted, the sensor can no-longer "see" the IR light, and an alarm is raised.
In terms of motor racing, I would contend therefore that if a system relied upon say a stepper motor (which requires an external energy input) to crank the ride height up or down, that would constitute an Active system. A system which say was driven by the heat given off by the exhaust as the race progresses (which relies purely on heat which would be there anyway, so no direct external energy input is required) could be described as passive.
Although as per usual, I am happy to be put right by some of the boffins on this forum.
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