Like in F1, keeping the current regs will only make the current strong team even stronger, but its part of the game for the newcomers to overcome that disadvantage, like Mantium did this season. I also think that keeping the current rulebook is a good idea. I know the season isn't finished but imo:
- increase/decrease engine size
- increase/decrease cooling requirements
- increase rear wing template dimensions
I don't mind seeing diffuser/floor regulations stay the same, because allowing more freedom would allow more exotic solutions to be used, which means some people won't actually have time to experiment.
I haven't got any plan or idea yet on what the car will be like next year, the one I had for this year was pretty good, but limited me in many domains. I would like to make a car even simpler than what it looked like, but focus on making it work good. Back to the basics, in a sense.
Finally, something that prevented people to enter the competition is the lack of plots/pictures. I hope the organizers will release more pictures of the cars' pressure/velocity plots after the season is completed in order to attract more people or help people to understand what worked and what didn't. Some would say this is unfair, but I think that this competition is more about learning and discussing solutions than a real competition, although I see the competition is tough here!