Hi installed all the tools, but I received this message (see the link below for the log): it seems related to the geometry "structure" and names.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/522 ... st.log.txt
I don't think that there is a significant difference between v2.1 and v2.3.1 for the type of solver that is used (incompressible, steady-state with k-omega SST). One of the potential source of difference may be in the mesher "snappyHexMesh" that seems to be twikked in every release.andylaurence wrote:Is there a reason for using Openfoam v2.1? It's quite different to v2.3.1. Is it simply because that's what compiles on Windows right now?
Sure. The speed is 100mph. Rotating wheels are modeled by applying a rotation velocity on the wall.MadMatt wrote:Will boundary conditions of the CFD simulation be provided (wind speed, rotating wheels, etc)?
Thanks a lot for sending me the error message. It is an issue that I was aware of when I developed, but assumed that it would not pop-up so soon.CAEdevice wrote:Hi installed all the tools, but I received this message (see the link below for the log): it seems related to the geometry "structure" and names.
Thanks a lot for the feedback on the solver. The "error" is in the extension of the file. It looks like openFoam is case sensitive. Use a lower case extension ".stl" in place of ".STL". I add this one to my to-do list as it is something that I can work around...CAEdevice wrote:Hi Julien, I confirm that the problem does not appear when the simulation runs on C: ( but I still have some error messages: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/522 ... log.01.txt ).
Thank you, I tried with a different name and correct units: I receive a "geometry error" message.julien.decharentenay wrote:CAEdevice,
1) Race calendar: we are still working on it. We have a meeting next week-end (17th January) to finalise it. The first race is at least a couple of months away. The plan is for more space between races (compared to last season) - from memory, it should be a month.
2) CFD error: I am running into a couple of issues with your file:
- The name of the solid (and the file) should only be made of letter, numbers, "_", and "-". I have altered the code to return an error message when non valid name are used;
- The file is exported in millimeter units - one-click CFD assumes that the file is exported in meters. I rescaled;
- The file is a binary STL file. For some reason that I don't quite understand, openFoam does not use the name of the solid, but assign it as patch0. I need to check whether this is always the case or depends on some kind of parameters. At the moment, it is best to use ASCII STL files.
I am just running the case to make sure that there is no other issues with it. I have a new release candidate that covers the previously mentioned issues (R: drive and STL in uppercase).