Good point, i think all those areas will be covered.
Even though the engine layout has changed all those safety concerns still apply.
There are other creative ideas a team or manufacturer can up with though.
Look on this:

This looks like it has a bigger foot print than a V8.
Teams will be looking to address this issue. It's a smaller package but a bigger footprint.
In F1 it seems that the V8 is actually a tighter package than a 4 cylinder turbo.
Though one side of the car will be roomier, the intake side, it's pretty hard to figure out what to put there, since more than likely anything that goes there will be high.
The ferrari package is better, since the turbo is within the footprint of the engine, but i don't know if having the intake side facing the ground is goood for the air flow. The air charge will have to flow upward into the cylinders. The BMW is the opposite, the intake manifold is on top. and the engine leans over on the turbos.