Differences exhaust manifolds: Lotus - Ferrari
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6760_o.jpg
Does anyone know how these winglets are allowed? That they're black suggests perhaps Ferrari calls them something other than "winglets" in order to justify their legality.r.t.1.n wrote:
Which rule do you think disallows them?bhallg2k wrote:Does anyone know how these winglets are allowed? That they're black suggests perhaps Ferrari calls them something other than "winglets" in order to justify their legality.r.t.1.n wrote:http://s27.postimg.org/3pqjik8nn/image.jpg
you should consider also on rb10's exhaustzioture wrote:Differences exhaust manifolds: Lotus - Ferrari
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6760_o.jpg
I don't understand, what's the point in comparing exhaust on two total different PU ? Comparing Ferrari and Sauber exhaust can have some sense but is quite obvious that 2 car with different PU have different exhaust layout, or i'm missing something ?jagunx51 wrote:you should consider also on rb10's exhaustzioture wrote:Differences exhaust manifolds: Lotus - Ferrari
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6760_o.jpg
http://img4.auto-motor-und-sport.de/Red ... 767133.jpg
I have no idea. That's why I asked.beelsebob wrote:Which rule do you think disallows them?
The rules don't generally name parts, and then make up rules for those parts, instead, they specify bounding boxes that you can do stuff in. I'd bet that this simply exists in the bounding box for the air box, and that's it.
I think you just explained your own remarkf1rules wrote:i dont understand Ferrari have not adopted the merc nosecone design, should not be that dificult to copy, but offcourse if it doesnt fit their aero philosophy
imo, redbull has very different design philosophy .....just look at their radiator position (&shape) and the 'silver box' behind it .....they are put above sidepod duct, it may related to CoG, and the cooling air flow....that's why they never change the rear cooling hole, shape & position.poz wrote:I don't understand, what's the point in comparing exhaust on two total different PU ? Comparing Ferrari and Sauber exhaust can have some sense but is quite obvious that 2 car with different PU have different exhaust layout, or i'm missing something ?jagunx51 wrote:you should consider also on rb10's exhaustzioture wrote:Differences exhaust manifolds: Lotus - Ferrari
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6760_o.jpg
http://img4.auto-motor-und-sport.de/Red ... 767133.jpg
luke! wrote:Ferrari brakes
http://www.omnicorse.it/img/articoli/ev ... aperti.jpg
Is it just me or the front wheel hub seems less "refined" compared to the ones of the other teams?