hardingfv32 wrote:
1) Why is there an effort to gather data with no DRS activation. What knowledge might be gained from this?
This would be a baseline testing, a benchmark effort serving for future comparison base. No DRS because that's what is in the race.
2) Why the call for constant speed 200kph T6 T11?
Getting out of Turn 6 at Germany, which is a tight hairpin will give you an answer about your front downforce, hence the flap change (Angle of attack). The speed is relatively low (200 kph) as the max over there should be around 320 in racing mode.
3) They call for floor flexibility test and tyre weight. Is tyre weight a wear measurement?
I'm not sure here, speculating, but it should be related to grain and blistering - to what extent the tire degradation and potentially the pieces that would fall off will affect the total wear of the tire. This is related to floor flexibility, because rules changed, and the deflection tolerance is smaller.
4) "P. Start: TQ4 - EM10 - RBP - 3 tyre warmig - EM3 - Pit off" Any ideas about what is being specified??
3 tyre warmig.... wouldn't the tire warming temp always be the same?
What is 'Pit off"?
Practice start, Torque map 4, Engine Map 10, RBP should be related to KERS map (?) = "Regenerating brake power", i.e. how much to harvest, but I'm not sure about the tire warming and pit off.
My contribution on what the F1 teams see continues with this small picture (an empty setup screen ...):
It is a result of the partnership between Lotus F1 team and iRise software company - it's used to visualize the settings of the car.
I apologize for the small resolution, that's all I've got.