olefud wrote:...When air molecules speed up they essentially become spaced further apart thus lowering the pressure...
No, they do not become spaced further apart, if the flow is surrounded by more gas at similar pressure. The volume of a portion of gas does not change (within uncompressible conditions), only it's shape as you squeeze it through a narrower cross section, the same as wide and narrows sections of a river. When gas speeds up its molecules use some of their internal kinetic energy (random motion) to create net kinetic energy as the total energy content is constant. With less internal energy, the relative motion of one molecule respective to the others is reduced (random Browninan motion is reduced) and you have less collisions with any given surface, less energetic collisions, or both, and that is what you observe as reduced pressure. The relative distance between molecules stays constant (within reasonable limits which produce incompressible flow) and the gas density stays constant. If accelerated flows had reduced density they would float.
olefud wrote:There’s a standing argument as to whether a wing develops lift/downforce because of the pressure difference on opposing surface sides (Bernoulli) or because of the reaction to movement of air in the up/down wash (Newton). The former is supported by the calculable center of pressure on the wing where the resolved ΔP forces act. The latter by the up/down wash being equal in the mass x acceleration force to the actual lift/downforce though it occurs at the trailing edge of the wing. My view is that both views are right and the effects are integrally related.
Of course both are solid laws of physics. If they assumptions hold, they
both must be obeyed and hold. Real life flows obey
both Newton and Bernoulli. They are just different ways to describe (in language) the same overly complicated phenomenon. So we agree, but I would remove the "in my view" part. They are proven laws of physics.
Edit: I hope this didn't sound too harsh. I might be wrong as my statistical thermodynamics knowledge has been rusting for years. Thinking of the simplified "expansion against a vacuum" system, but with a partial vacuum only, would indeed suggest that expansion takes place as well (and cooling, so maybe that's why there is no floating?), but when one considers the real life counterpart where the gas is surrounded by other gases at the same temperature and pressure which must be taken into acount, and that pressure effects travel back and forth at the speed of sound, it all gets so hopelessly complicated!
Rivals, not enemies. (Now paraphrased from A. Newey).