speedsense wrote:Respectfully disagree with your comment...the graph is not a measure of movement, but a measure of HZ cycling of the spring, as the graph is in HZ, and the graph measurement of that in Frequency... lower hz numbers MEANS the dampening is lowering the Magnitude of the HZ...
Wow. How do you come up with this stuff? "Magnitude of the HZ"? Really? This is a measure of movement given it's an fft of a displacement signal.
speedsense wrote:
Changes in dampening will not change the movement amount unless there was a "limiter or droop limiter" in the shock involved, it will change however the frequency that the springs cycle has, thus in turn lowering the hz operating number and the stated Magnitude..
Damping (not dampening) will affect displacement. And technically the spring doesn't have a frequency, the system does.
speedsense wrote:
To explain this further, an under damped spring will overshoot and cycle more times, thus increasing the frequency and the Magnitude of the frequency, over dampening creates the exact opposite effect, Less cycling, Less frequency in HZ.. IMHO
What? Again, not the spring that's being damped, it's the system. You do understand that Hertz is just a unit of frequency, right? Frequency in Hertz is on the x-axis. The y-axis is not frequency nor Hertz.
I'm afraid you're a bit messed up and think you may need some fundamentals review. The number of cycles is not what's being measured, you are looking at magnitudes at a range of frequencies. In this case the number of cycles is driven by the input and has little to do with the damping, frequencies, or the plot being shown.