After doing some extensive reading, I'm just wondering, if anyone has input they'd like to give on a project.
When you build up the car from scratch with the aero taken into consideration, do you use last year's previous data to come up with some conclusions as to where to place different aero components? In this case, I imagine you find some components of last years car to improve upon, and make little adjustments to the model you are working on.
Or do you build up models (i.e. 3d prints) of some prototypes to get data from wind tunnels to make some decisions?
Again, (please forgive me), do you use flow simulations to have an idea of where you want aero components?
Just copy the winner from last year, then think of a way to justify it retroactively. At least, that's what it feels like a lot of teams do with wings these days. On a related note, do you know why you want wings on your Formula Student Car?
Also, you would be better off asking these questions over at the FSAE forums.