BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Because he finds it much easier to screw the big wigs in the paddock club, see track fees as well. To attract each individual consumer he would actually have to think about product quality.

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Because he cant do it until all the TV contracts have been renegotiated, its the same reason for the lack of social media. FOM cant do these things as it will be in breach of the terms of the contracts and because the contracts all end at different times FOM has got itself in a bit of a pickle when it comes to getting on board with current tech. ... s-saviour/

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Just_a_fan wrote:
Gaz. wrote: Hopefully this will kickstart another debate into the licence fee.
Sadly that won't happen. The BBC has way too many friends in Westminster. Also, the BBC is seen as being as central to the UK as the NHS is. It's known as "Auntie" for a reason.

My view is that the license fee should be scrapped and the BBC left to fund itself. That way people can choose what they watch and who they pay. I'd consider a Sky account if I didn't also have to pay the BBC too. As it is, no chance, as I don't like paying twice for something.

I've never figured out why Bernie doesn't sell each race to the viewer directly. With streaming on line these days, a fiver a race would be easy to do and likely to be attractive to many.
The Beeb has next to no friends in the current government, which is why it's being eviscerrated. BBC3, Red Button services and basically all sport short of MOTD are out, there's been heavy discussion about killing off the iPlayer and forcing them to scale back the website.

It's doubtful that the BBC would actually have the capability to deliver the level of coverage they have been once the cuts are complete, but if you imagine ITV would manage anything up to that level, you're probably going to be disappointed...

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


The reality is that the TV only needs to show the race. The hour of self-serving presenters before it is entirely unnecessary and is no doubt expensive to produce (three presenters (+ pit lane people), camera and sound people, director, producer, assistants etc.). Whilst I'm always happy to look at Suzi Perry, we don't gain anything from her being in the pit lane / paddock with her stooges (EJ and DC).

Then you need to remember the other costs that the BBC has at the race - they have radio coverage of the races and they have the on line text service too. Oh, and there's a forum thing they do too. The other stuff they provide such as live timing is nice but is delayed by about 30 seconds so is pretty useless.

They could do it all for much less money if they just focused on the key issue - showing the race. Run the titles and title music. Remind the audience of the grid plus any penalties being served. Show the formation lap (could be during the grid run down). Show the race. Show the podium (get rid of the pointless (and no doubt costly) "celeb" interview rubbish). Move to the next programme. That frees up about 1 hour of broadcast time for something else.
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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


I disagree, the interviews, the pit lane gossip, the analysis are all important parts for me, the years gone by approach of just having a guy in a studio here with no pre or post race content whatsoever is not something I'd like to go back to. It's probably why they went into partnership with Sky as opposed to scaling back their coverage to such an extent.

I'd also be surprised if the teams would agree to a broadcast setup that gave their drivers and other notable staff (and by extension their sponsors) zero screen time outside of the car.

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


horse wrote:
Diesel wrote: ... eason.html

If this is to be believed it's all over for the BBC.
I wouldn't trust the Daily Mail to get its own name right.
The story didn't originate from the Daily Mail

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


J0rd4n wrote:
horse wrote:
Diesel wrote: ... eason.html

If this is to be believed it's all over for the BBC.
I wouldn't trust the Daily Mail to get its own name right.
The story didn't originate from the Daily Mail
Maybe not, but until it is confirmed by the BBC or ITV etc then I can hold out hope!!
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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


ScottB wrote:I disagree, the interviews, the pit lane gossip, the analysis are all important parts for me, the years gone by approach of just having a guy in a studio here with no pre or post race content whatsoever is not something I'd like to go back to. It's probably why they went into partnership with Sky as opposed to scaling back their coverage to such an extent.

I'd also be surprised if the teams would agree to a broadcast setup that gave their drivers and other notable staff (and by extension their sponsors) zero screen time outside of the car.
It's a question of cost. If the alternatives are a: you make a cheap show that focusses on the race and little else, or b: the whole things goes to Sky, which would you choose? Or perhaps they keep making expensive "the whole shebang" features but cover fewer races with Sky still having the whole season in full.

Bernie has already said that the BBC want to reduce their costs and that he won't let them get out of their contract. The only alternatives for the BBC are to reduce the cost-to-produce their coverage or pay Bernie a big fee to allow the contract to go elsewhere. Either way it's likely that the viewer will suffer.

I can see the BBC paying Bernie's termination fee (which will probably be nearly as big as the contract fee anyway) just to prove a point to themselves. ITV will take on the remaining contract and will do so in a way that pays for itself. This is likely to result in a reduced package as I suggested previously - at least for the first year anyway.

Of course the fly in the ointment for Bernie is that he is currently required to have free-to-air coverage. This might allow the BBC to get out of the contract more cheaply than would otherwise be the case. After all, they could just say "fine, we'll show the races" and just do that - show the races with no added value (cost) at all. No pre-show, no commentary, nothing. That would probably ensure they met their "you must show the races" contract. Imagine that: race coverage with no commentary of any sort. Just the stuff coming from FOM's broadcast. That would neatly sum up F1 today really.
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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


I've never figured out why Bernie doesn't sell each race to the viewer directly. With streaming on line these days, a fiver a race would be easy to do and likely to be attractive to many.
No way to know for sure but I don't think he would make as much money.
Especially considering the more hassle and expense for him.
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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Would many people pay £5 to watch Abu Dhabi when you know from Qualifying how it was going to shape up?

I certainly wouldn't have paid for it if I could get the highlights for cheaper, or watch an upload on youtube for free.

Watching races live is a thing of the past for 99% of the F1 fans I know. They record it, skip to the start, watch a bit, forward a bit, watch a bit, forward a lot because the race is a procession, see the last lap and then turn it off. Race done in 25 minutes.

£5 a race or a £35 a month contract that you're tied in to and if you're away for a weekend you still need to pay.

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


I have used NowTV this season which is a service provided/ran by Sky. I dont watch "live tv" any longer so the full package is a waste.

Now I just purchase the Weekend Sports Pass from NowTV for £11.99. Runs from Friday to Sunday night so spot on for the F1 weekend. If I am away for the weekend (out of country) I stream it some other way or download the old fashioned way when am home

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Diesel wrote:...they've also now cancelled SKY because the prices are simply too high. I'm not sure what I'll do next year, I'll probably stop watching F1 live entirely. I love the sport a lot, but I can't justify the monthly cost of a SKY SPORTS subscription just to watch the race live every fortnight, £45.50 a month, or £27.30 per race! (assuming 20 races).
I´m from Spain, but same situation here, 2015 was last season on a free channel, next season it goes PPV, and despite I consider myself a hardcore fan, I´ve never considered paying the prices they´re asking for to watch F1. They´re insane. Specially considering you can download the race next day, I can´t justify paying such a bill only to watch F1. That money could be used for much more useful things. I love F1, but it is only an etertainment

I know broadcasters can´t do any other thing with the expensive fees they´re paying tough, that´s the reason I think F1 is slowly deceasing. Bernie increase fees, TVs and track owners increase ticket prices to make it profitable, audience decreases because of the expesive tickets, sponsors interest decreases as less people is watching, money entering F1 decreases.... and this can only finish one way, with F1 dissapearing

Next season it will go PPV in Spain and probably in England too.... audiences have been decreasing for around a decade, but if confirmed, this will be one BIG blow for F1, one more

Sorry for the lack of tact, but I wonder who will die first, if F1 or Bernie. Only if Bernie die first F1 could have another opportunity to re-invent itself, otherwise I see it dissapearing in very little time. Today even on forums like this you read people saying they don´t care if they stop watching, no sport can survive this lack of interest, if it is an expesive one wich need our money, it´s a matter of time for it to dissapear

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Channel 4 will be the terrestrial home of the FIA Formula One World Championship™ from 2016-2018 in a new deal agreed today with Formula One World Championship Limited.

Channel 4 will broadcast 10 live Formula 1® races, including practice and qualifying sessions, in each of the three FIA Formula One World Championship™ seasons from 2016 to 2018. It will also broadcast comprehensive highlights of all 21 Grands Prix and qualifying sessions – including those shown live by Sky Sports F1®. All of the live coverage and highlights will be broadcast free-to-air and in high definition.

Reflecting Channel 4’s track record for innovation in sports broadcasting, in a first for a UK terrestrial commercial broadcaster, no advertising breaks will be taken through the duration of the live races.

Bernie Ecclestone, Chief Executive Officer of the Formula One group said: “I am sorry that the BBC could not comply with their contract but I am happy that we now have a broadcaster that can broadcast Formula 1® events without commercial intervals during the race.

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Channel 4 is probably the best outcome, relatively happy with that and confident they'll do a decent job.

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Re: BBC to lose F1 coverage from 2016


Their coverage of the cricket when they had it was very good, essentially what Sky do now.

Wont be watching, will continue to watch Sky but its good news for those who want to watch on FTA. Have to congratulate them on not doing ad breaks