Andres125sx wrote:Moose wrote:Andres125sx wrote:
That´s first thing wich came to my mind too, but then I realiced about a simple solution. Same as they do in Red Bull Air Race, limit max G.
Nope, F1 doesn't accelerate in the plane that causes g-force issues in humans.
Humans are known to be able to cope fine with 30-40g, as long as it's not accelerating up or down. Pilots have issues with g-forces above ~7g because they're pulling up and down, not turning on a flat plane, or coming to rapid stops.
There's a reason that Astronauts sit flat on their backs in space craft, rather than upright.
Up and down are the only G forces air pilots sustain (only a flat turn could cause lateral G forces on a plane), and they cope with 12G
Tolerancy always depend on the time pilots/drivers will have to cope with that force. Alonso received more than 30Gs when he did hit AbuDabhi curb and his front axle jumped, .......
air force pilots cope with +9g (sustained) only with g (leg and abdomen) 'suits' and oxygen - and the planes aren't intended to develop more than +9g
Red Bull pilots reach +12g (briefly) only by using similar suits - the planes are intended to reach +12g and -12g
there's maybe 1000 of this level (of aerobatic planes), you can rent one (with a minder, of course)
dive to maybe 260 mph and you can pull up quite long enough (at 8g)
(yes, personal experience tells me +8g for a few seconds is possible without such aids but with the right 'straining' technique)
there's no damage or loss of consciousness somewhat beyond these levels of positive g, but you can't see ie it's blackout
but -12g will give at least temporary eye damage (around -6g you'll probably start to taste blood)
and iirc over 45g sustained eg in braking a rocket sled will detach the retina
iirc crash helmets pass their tests if at test impacts they don't transmit accelerations over 150g for more than ? msec to the test 'head'
it's easy to imagine that sideways g would be easier to take than the usual
you could simulate this by leaning your head over while at conventional high g but you might get a neck injury