strad wrote: ↑23 Apr 2019, 20:31
Cars could become too fast very soon.
Devils advocate here... What's too fast????
As TimWright says, the point at which the cars carry more kinetic energy than can be reasonably dealt with by the car's / track's safety systems. We all know that kinetic energy increases with the square of the speed, so adding a few tens of km/h to the top speed (or even peak cornering speed) could be enough to make a currently survivable accident in to one that injures / kills a driver (or someone trackside).
We can deal with some of that by making run off areas deeper, adding extra layers of energy absorbing materials in front of the barriers etc. But what if this isn't possible at some tracks? Do we lose circuits? Do we limit the cars at those tracks? Do we just say "tough, sonny, go out there anyway"?
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.