Push has come to shove now, and i have changed my stance and am now for standard power-trains. Cosworth engines were always good, Xtrac have been proven with Williams and latterly with Toyota for their gearboxes.
Whats needed now that a third way has been found to the take the standard or create a clone is more trimming of the F1 car. We have the standard ECU, one tyre manufacturer, but now we should look at standard suspension components strip away as much as practacly posible in the electronics department. As i said in another thread, take away the engine maps and all driver adjusted crap from the steering wheel. Just have a speed limiter, water button, pit comms, a hand clutch, reverse gear button, and the FIA LED Warning system for flags. Could we go back to a manual (Sequencial) gear stick as well to cut costs.
I thought it woild be Williams or FIF1 maybes even Toyota fo fall first, but Honda... Im shocked, i was under the illusion that they were in for the long haul. But with current global economic circumstances, push has come to shove and the Honda Motor Company is trying to keep to its core buisness and try to keep its employees in employment and trt to ensure the Honda Motor Companays uture in theese difficult climates we all face.