"In the interests of maximising car reliability in high temperatures and humidity usually encountered in Malaysia, the Kers system will not actually use the recovered energy to boost engine power in the usual fashion.
"Instead the teams plan to use Kers as a sophisticated DCA (Driver Cooling Aid).
"Energy recovered under braking is used to drive a refrigeration unit to chill down the cool store.
"This is connected into a special driver suit, so when the driver presses the Kers button cold liquid is circulated around his suit reducing his body temperature.
"Studies have shown that an increase in core body temperature of just one degree can reduce driver performance by as much as 23%."
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/f1mole/2009/ ... il-fo.html
And one more April Fool's day joke.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.