Giblet wrote:Last night was fun, ran into Hangaku for the first time in a practice session driving the Skip Barber RT2000 at Road America.
Giblet wrote:I had zero experience on that track until yesterday, not sure about Hangaku but he managed to pip me by about 3/4 of a second. There is a lot of time to be made up there still for both of us, as the quick guys are turning 2:35 and were in the 2:37-2:38 bracket. He seemed to be a bit quicker in a couple of 3rd gear corners, which you can tell when following someone, which we tried to do a bit.
Such a long lap, when you make a mistake it can be frustrating. Especially if you make one on the last corner, killing your home straight speed, and you basically kill two laps time wise.
I do like Road America though, it is fast and flowing, and none of the corners have an awkward feel to them really.
I bought the track just yesterday, as I saw that it was on the Skippy calendar. I was on my second practice session when you jumped in.
I'd just realized that I hadn't set up my G25 for iRacing - it was last calibrated for LFS - so I was both learning a new track and a new steering wheel realism setup. But after that was overcome, I started getting into the groove, which is where I just touched on 2:37.4 time.
There are some very deceptive corners on this circuit, that feel like you should be taking them a lot slower than you can. Turn 1 and 3 are good initial examples, where you can hammer into T1 and drive through it with your foot to the floor in 3rd gear, and T3 the same, but in 2nd gear. There's much more width that you initially think!
The carousel is a complete bitch, if you get car balance wrong, you'll lose 3 or 4 mph in Kettle Bottoms. I initially thought that hammering round it in 3rd then 4th was the way forward, but it's much better to sacrifice time there for a clean exit. This leads to Kink, which if you're using all the road, it appears you can get 115mph through it, which is a bit tasty.
The other places where I can see me losing time is the 2nd gear corners (as you said) T5, T6 and T14. Motherbitches, they are.
That said, I do like Road America, it's a nice fast circuit. I'm not sure how good it is for the Skippy, as there isn't much scope to push the car that much faster if you've lost time. I imagine this circuit is awesome with the Radical or the Star Mazda though.
Giblet wrote:What are you running for a setup Hangaku? If you are running the stock setup that was very impressive indeed.
I blame the large glass of Whiskey I had beside me, but I'll beat your time yet
Sadly, I don't have the mental capacity to play with a setup too much and still claim to know what I'm doing! In all honesty, the only things I do play with on the Skippy are:
-) The front tire pressure - I bump them both up by a couple of PSI (28?), and I find that I get much better breaking and mid-corner stability. the down-side to this is less stability on cold tires.
-) Break balance - I dial this towards the rear a little bit, but front still has something like 54%. I break hard before corners, and drive around them, rather than trail breaking.
Giblet wrote:Nothing wrong with friendly competition. One of my iRacing acquaintances has the track record at the real Road America in a 600hp Noble. I might hit him up for some advice
*gasp* CHEAT! But I agree, I'd much rather race with people that I sortof know, and have some good regular banter / competition. I really need to get my voice comms sorted out.