Juzh wrote:
If this 378 is to be plausible, then quite literally, every single speed trap (and onboard telemetry) taken previously should have an extra 8-12 kmh added to it.
Just to highlight this because it is the second time you use this argument, there is a logical fallacy there. You can't use inference (generalizing from a single event) except if all the conditions are the same (track, track conditions, traffic, speed trap measurement method and position, eventual post measurement corrections etc..). You (and the others) have not all the information to infer there. To give you an example, it is like saying that because a guy has received a speeding ticket with a retained speed of 140km/h while actually being measured at 150km/h (in which case a post measurement correction was applied), all people that receive a 140km/h speeding ticket have actually been speeding at 150km/h. It is only true if you know that the same post measurement was applied for all. This you can't know. The radar may have measured another speed and a different post measurement method may have been applied.
That doesn't bring more info about the topic but i think you can't use that argument to prove your opinion.