volarchico wrote:Is there a slit near the trailing edge of the 3rd element on their new wing?Blackout wrote:+ beautiful front endplates
+ intersting winglets obove the sidepods
And also, why do they have such beefy (thick, large) vertical supports (the black ones). Since the front wing is no longer allowed to move, it seems those are close enough to the endplates that you wouldn't need them for actual structural support?
That is indeed a slit. Maybe to stabilize the flow of the trailing edge to delay stall.
These supports might simply be the place where the angle of attack of the front wing is tuned. Although the driver can't change the wing setting anymore, the mechanics can when setting up the car or during a pit stop. I guess most teams went back to the old screw tuning system with the mechanic using an enormously long allen key to tune the wing angle.
One thing is for sure, that front wing is a thing of beauty. The whole front of that car is simply gorgeous... Too bad the back doesn't follow suit esthetically speaking.