Absolutely gutted...Penalties again...typical
Ah well, they didnt go down without a fight.
With regards your comment about Rooney Principessa do you really think the stamp was deliberate? Seriously? watching the replays he had two defenders pressurising him, he fell and his foot caught the portugese player in a rather unfortunate place. It was quite cearly an accident.
BUT I believe the ref was only going to show Rooney a yellow card, but when he pushed Christiano Ronaldo, I think in the ref's eyes that was a second bookable offense so it then became a red. And fair enough I'll agree Rooney shouldn't have pushed C.Ronaldo.
HOWEVER, seeing as u called some of our players "pigs" you can include C.Ronaldo in that list also. On a moral ground what's he trying to get his club teammate sent off for (after laughing and smiling together while walking out onto the pitch) but on a more formal basis many time we have seen (over here anyway) footage of C.Ronaldo smiling and winking at Rooney after the red card had been brandished. THEN as if that wasn't bad enough walks over to Rooney, whispers something in his ear, and as he raises his head he gently "head-butted" Wayne Rooney. (I use the word headbutted loosy as it wasnt very violent, but still a deliberate move to taunt Rooney.)
So if we're gonna talk about pigs go ahead, but don't be so near-sighted as to absolved C.Ronaldo from all blame. If you believe Rooney's "move" was deliberate that's your choice, but if that is the case C.Ronaldo is JUST as bad for taunting and "headbutting" (again the term is uses loosely as i cannot think of a better term to describe it).
With regards to the rest of the competition. Go Brazil, go France and Go portugal (yes go portugal) I love watching Portugal play football, like Brazil they are a joy to watch, with the exception of C.Ronaldo who I've always thought was a bit too greedy and selfish, very up his own arse, a matter strengthened by his display today.
So Go Portugal! (Except the stuck up little one-trick-wonder who thyink's he's as good as his surname suggests)
Oh and Go Brazil & France too! This should now be a very interesting Worlc Cup to watch (besides I don't need to worry about being knocked-out now...we already have been!

Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.