P_O_L wrote:As for the moderation part jesus give me a break.........therefore cannot be taken seriously as a moderator. As far as im concerned you can stick your moderation where the sun dont shine. You cannot demand respect, you must earn it.
P_O_L, when you or anyone joins this forum it doesn't say anywhere that your set of criteria for judgement are the board's. It makes it pretty obvious this is a privately owned and run forum which depends on the people who contribute to keep it on track, and that the owners/moderators - however wrong you may think they are have
every right to run this place as they wish.
Since you've joined little over a two months ago you've posted over 145 times. Your tone is routinely antagonistic and you call people out on all manner of things for "lack of evidence" yet quite often fail to do so yourself. Worse yet you resort to insults like above as if it somehow makes your point more 'right'.
People here have only resorted to being finicky because you've basically pushed them to the end of their tether.
When you last posted something along that topic I quoted you on a number of completely unprovable claims (right here actually:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5346&p=71257#p71257 ) which, in your usual style, the predictable rebuttal consisted largely of just repeating yourself.
You can snigger in glee that you've got up the nose of the very people who created this forum - a forum so Formula One fans have somewhere to come and share with similar people.
Or you can ask yourself - if you're really an F1 fan and was motivated enough to join this forum, then why on earth would you go out of your way day after day trying to piss people here off? (don't even think about defending yourself on this point - you're entitled to your opinion on every account and everyone else is somehow always wrong - please just consider for a second that the way you act here says a lot about you)
Ciro/Tomba/Manchild and the other senior guys here answer hundreds of questions on F1 topics, to the benefit of the entire community here. I've learned so much about F1 which I would have never known otherwise. Their effort makes this place what it is.
The respect you mention in your (above) post to Ciro is
not earned. They get it
automatically from selflessly running this board for the benefit of all, and since Tomba owns it - by joining this site you respect him whether you like it or not - just as if you were in someone's home. If you wantonly annoy them, they'll ask you to leave.
You I imagine are young enough to still be in the Internet "no-one can see me so I'll sit here at my computer being negative and it's oh-so-hillarious" frame of mind.
WISE UP! It's a really bad habit and one which will cause you untold hassle in your life if you don't stop it.
Here's a simple test for you. Take the post above. Now, go and say the same thing out aloud to your law lecturer next time you don't get the mark you think you should - and see what happens.