I have decided to release the 2010 car later, as I'm going to make some major changes to the rear of the car. However here is pics of the new front wing endplate i have done
Where the hole bends outwards i have changed the endplate so its like toyota's to try and avoid that problemwesley123 wrote:holy ---, that diffuser is sick. I can say one bad thing about it, and that is how the hole bends outwards to the rear wing end plates, it wil simply collide, might want to use therear wing end plate to use this bend make the bend extend until the rear end.
Also on the front wing, you have placed a gurney on a gurney, i do not understand the idea of it.
also i would rather make the airbox wing have a neutral AoA as now it disrupts airflow to the rear wing.
Also the way the exhaust exits is bad, if you throw it backwards it has a low pressure area for the exhaust to blow in, now it has to blow in a way it disrupts the surface airflow.
also(now im busy eh ) you could make the bodywork alot tighter, to be clear the ferraris rear packaging was alot tighter and that car has tighter bodywork at the rear.