I just shat my pants...
I thinks it looks awesome! Combine the side profile from the second teaser with the front shot, and you will see there's a lot more to it than a T110 (or whatever it's called).
We are looking at sleek shark (I enjoy imagining it biting a McLaren in the ass). Something I hope that statement doesn't do to me.
I have got a very good feeling about it. The sides of the nose does look very flat though, would be my only beef. Not saying it won't be fast because of it. It's just not easthetically pleasing...but hey, if it goes fast, I'm very sure it'll grow on me.
But but but. As nice as this shot may be, it doesn't really reveal much. The test for me will be the rear. You know how the test of a good restaurant is how they make their eggs? The test of a designer is how he/she designs the rear. Nothing scientific here, just intuition.
I can't wait!