Mercedes GP MGP W01

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


It is almost impossible to answer mach11, unless you are actualy part of the team.
It has been bugging me to.
I do get the impresion from interviews that Schumaker is a little to complacent. It is only a feeling but he talks like a driver who is considering the job of team manager or even principle and already feels past it.
Mansel had the same thing when I talked to him at Estoril after he lost a wheel in the pits. He was different to SM in as far as being Nigel he was furious but there were the same vibes evident. Kind of blank acceptance.
I would expect any returning champion to turn in a few fast laps, it is whether there is the will to work up the team and car to achieve a constant level at the top for quali and the races.
Of course any bad results from SM will instantly reduce the potential of the other team driver, there is no doubt of that.
So IMO the question has to be, how much is the car causing the problem and how much the driver.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


i do not understand why schumacher should be the reason why Rosberg is missing Q3 after posting a perfect lap ..thats what he stated after yesterdays Qualy.
If the old man is 6 tenths behind after having an encounter with another car plus brake problems ..the drivers relative performance is not the issue ,full stop.

Can Michael develop the car ?come on ,he is a driver .. he has nothing but his driving talents ,his exerience from years back,and his dedication to brig into the team.
Maybe the last item was what made him so successful in his first career ,but maybe it is what is lacking now he sees that he will not win in 2010.
Rosberg needs to prove himself still he has to put down his head and try anyways..for michael it is a different story really.

In effect the team made a joke out of themselves annoncing brakethroughs again and again and not arriving anywhere .I almost think they should have stated they stop development ...and develop in secret ..instead of what happens now ...they destroy their reputation and the drivers confidence in the technical abilities of their team ..with both drivers really struggling to communicate anything useful after this string of disasters..The pressure is on ,you bet .Mercedes will not sit on the fence for too long and just watch..thats my feeling.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


and you may question is raw speed but you have to admit:
he really is fighting ,and fighting clean ...taking no prisoners but never unfair this year.
he has brought a lot to F1 this year already with spectacular overtaking ,always magnificent starts .. to say he´s past it ..from real girls blouses like Coulthard
is just rediculous

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


Now that we have a few races to compare, I have been comparing qualifying times from last year to this year. I have not gone to the detail of plugging them into an excel sheet and making a scientific comparison yet, though from just looking at the times you can tell that the MGP W01 is significantly slower than the Brawn car from last year.

As an example, Spain 2010 MSC best time was 1:21.2 whereas Spain 2009 Rubens ran a 1:19.9!!!! which is by the way the same best time that mark Webber ran in 2010..

It’s clear that nearly all the teams got it right and improved from 09 to 10 but the MGP is clearly a slower car than its predecessor.. Maybe running the Brawn car from last year with a bit of modification to the fuel tank and adjusting for a narrower front tire would have been a better choice.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


for sure the Mercedes decisions on strategy are not very helpful to produce results..
michael seems to be practising for a pitstop contest the last two races...and kicks out or gets kicked out of contention by strange pitstop decisions recently ,also Rosbergs pitstop delay in Canada was a strange one...what are they on at this time,is the pressure really so high they have to go for the little moments in the limelight?

If anything michael is brilliant in the opening laps at this time sign of semi on earth would someone come to the conclusion he is past it???

maybe I should have posted this in race thread..Can the mod please move it?sorry.

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


I think when they see that Schu is basically out of contention for points they give him a good test run on different tyres.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


he was on p3 when they started to do strange things...did he have a puncture or what drove them to decide to change at that stage?
Kobayashi was on the same strategy until then and look where he ended..

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


marcush. wrote:he was on p3 when they started to do strange things...did he have a puncture or what drove them to decide to change at that stage?
Kobayashi was on the same strategy until then and look where he ended..
I think it was a mistake on their part the first time, but since they realized that, they tried to give him a good testing run.

Joined: 21 Mar 2010, 10:49

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


I guessed they have to start designing their 2011 car now, and get the perelli tire specs as soon as possible, I hope they learn from the mistake they made from this seasons w01

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


what a stupid startergy from Mercs :o
Shucmy had a great start and was upto 11th from 15th
Schumy got to 3rd and was in front of Kobayashi and was on Hard tyres
He could have easily stayed on them and drove like Koba did today
He could have easily been at the best 5th place today
too bad the team screwed up yet again!! :x

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


siskue2005 wrote:what a stupid startergy from Mercs :o
Shucmy had a great start and was upto 11th from 15th
Schumy got to 3rd and was in front of Kobayashi and was on Hard tyres
He could have easily stayed on them and drove like Koba did today
He could have easily been at the best 5th place today
too bad the team screwed up yet again!! :x
Too many "could haves" for a "best driver of all times", who was suggested by majority in pool to achieve "utter dominance" over his teammate that has never happened.

Fairytale is over children, no Max in power, no "bendoverforme" teammates, no superior car, and the results are what they are. Mudwater has cleared. The truth reached the surface.

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


Wow, perplexing and idiotic decisions. Well and truly amateurish.

I'm not usually one for drastic measures. But this team is desperately in need of talented staff. The tactics of late are horrifying and the less said about the recent "upgrades" the better.

I heard a rumour (read it on autosport forums) that Merc are trying to get Tombazis. They need him. Badly.

After witnessing this very same team last year fall from the top and seeing the decline continuing, I'm starting lose confidence. They need a major reshuffle. Or a breakthrough. Some say the two are related...
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool...

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


NewtonMeter wrote:Wow, perplexing and idiotic decisions. Well and truly amateurish.

I'm not usually one for drastic measures. But this team is desperately in need of talented staff. The tactics of late are horrifying and the less said about the recent "upgrades" the better.

I heard a rumour (read it on autosport forums) that Merc are trying to get Tombazis. They need him. Badly.

After witnessing this very same team last year fall from the top and seeing the decline continuing, I'm starting lose confidence. They need a major reshuffle. Or a breakthrough. Some say the two are related...
yup , they need to bag tombazis for 2011, i agree

Today there was really a chance for podium, too bad they managed to screw it again@
Well read this, They are seeking the red light rule
apparently the red light shouold have been there only when all cars line up behind the SC....there was 18 sec gap from Lewis to Koba, so the light should have been Green...thats the reason they pit him :( ... Safety-Car

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


What's up with the brake problems?
Didn't they realize in practice that the brakes needed bigger ducts for this street circuit. :?
For Sure!!

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


was it lap 5 or was it lap 6 when Michael got the message to nurse the brakes...poor Nico not much later..

Micahel admitting in pregrid that he had considerable crossweight in the car in Qualifying..(!!!) wich of course did havoc to his front brake locking up.. dear me..
this is not what you would expect from the current constructors champions...

the pressure must be immense..