Well watching the news at home on BBC I saw that various apparent things had been said. These incuded:
1. Calling Zidane's sick mother a whore (don't know what she is sick with)
2. Calling Zidane a terrorist
3. Calling him a word (i forgot) which means an Algerian which sides with the french (a derogatory term used when the Algerians were at war with the french a long time ago)
However a BBC lip reader said that the Italian (Materazzi) said "I wish a slow and painful death for your family" followed by something else cut short which couldn't be lip read (possibly one of the comments above) in which case the entire sentence could have been:
"I wish a slow and painful death for you and your family you Algerian terrorist"
Now Zidane was NOT right for headbutting him, probably deserves a fine seeing as he can't be suspended as he has retired. BUT if it's true that that was said:
1. I don't blame Zidane for what he did
2. Materazzi deserves a VERY severe punishment ESPECAILLY after during the quarter finals of this World Cup there were lots of speeches about "Lets Kick Racism Out of Football" by the captains of each team.
Absoutely disgusting behaviour of that was what was said. Materazzi deserves a ban and a fine. (and another one of those headbutts
BUT again - Zidane shouldn't have done it, win the world cup first, THEN after retiring nut Materazzi - THAT would have been the way to do it.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.