You ommited the RW endplate cut-out behind DRS flap.BlackSwan wrote:They abandoned also the new rear wing, the one used in Silverstone race. It is possible that they are extracting more air from the upper part of the car with respect to the lower part, and this cause the "stall" (or a sort of recirculation at certain speed) of the diffuser?
I don't know if it's because of diffuser stalling but the lack of traction when exiting from low-medium speed corner was evident.shelly wrote:I think that one issue for ferrari at the moment is the stallingof the diffuser at low ride heights.
This could be related to the new shape of the sidewall - contact patch of the tyres; I think maybe in Silverstone ferrari also said officially that they were struggling with stall.
The gray fillets in this picture are in may opinion a quick fix to improve the stalling behaviour of the diffuser:
You hit the nail in the head: that's why massa was not able to keep his car on track. Same dynamics as Bahrein 7 years agoringo wrote:I doubt the diffusers ever completely stall on a car that is still able to stay within the track.
Diffuser stall is common, its when it stalls in the corners when it's a problem.shelly wrote:You hit the nail in the head: that's why massa was not able to keep his car on track. Same dynamics as Bahrein 7 years agoringo wrote:I doubt the diffusers ever completely stall on a car that is still able to stay within the track.
Domenical speking about "first lap car imbalance" gives another hint in that direction, plus the fillets looking provisional on the car
elFranZ wrote:Sorry but I don't buy the stalling/not stalling diffuser idea.
Massa stopped his engine in 5th gear and was not able to keep it on, so I believe he suffered some diff-locking during the brake phase.
Interesting to note, on five consecutive crashes he was approaching a right-handed corner.
It's far more likely that the reverse is true, that the gearbox went, and something locked on only one side of the car, tipping the car into a spin. I've never seen another driver spin the wrong way out of a corner before even reaching it without there being some sort of mechanical cause.turbof1 wrote:Is it possible that Massa's abrupt spin as the cause of the gearbox issue?
I clicked -1 by mistake, but there's no need of sarcasm.diffuser wrote: Really, where did you read that ? I'm struggling to get any kind of good info from Ferrari.
We need to slow down on these home grown theories.shelly wrote:You hit the nail in the head: that's why massa was not able to keep his car on track. Same dynamics as Bahrein 7 years agoringo wrote:I doubt the diffusers ever completely stall on a car that is still able to stay within the track.
Domenical speking about "first lap car imbalance" gives another hint in that direction, plus the fillets looking provisional on the car
Negative Nico, Negative..Crucial_Xtreme wrote: Diffuser stall is common, its when it stalls in the corners when it's a problem.
ringo wrote: Negative Nico, Negative..
The diffuser has to really have a massive shift in pitch for that to happen; beyond it's designed range of pitch angles.
I buy that it may have varying performance, but i don't agree with stalling of the diffuser.
Show some research papers or something to support the idea. A team wont run a diffuser that is known to stall. It simply would be a wrong application.
As for diffuser stall happening, here is proof from Aero_A, who is F1 AerodynamicistDream Theater wrote:I think that ringo's opinion is right.
The "stalling diffuser" theory isn't supported by any evidence. You might ask to me why I'm convinced about that too...the answer comes out by reading two recent interviews made to Fernando.
I translate it for you: "I see very well the Ferrari, I would give her an 8, a good score, because even if we're not the fastest our car is a complete car."
A pretty good and strong opinion about F138.
We know that Alonso is well known to say what he really thinks, he's not afraid to say what he says, especially when the car isn't good.
Given that there aren't any proofs about the "stalling diffuser" theory, and this positive opinion about the F138, i think that we should find F138's problems somewhere else.