timbo wrote:I think it is electro-magnetic impulse which is to blame, caused by discharge. Several years ago I used tram-lime to get to work, I noticed that my floppies died after ride on a tram quite often.
axle wrote:They say it affected Bourdais on Friday too...so yes I believe it must be possible, quite why the Redbull gearbox was the only one susseptable(sp?) is another matter.
The EMI sounds plausable although I (like
Axle) can't see how it didn't affect any other cars, unless that was the single time that they (car and tram) crossed paths. Which when 20 or so cars are circulating around the circuit once every 105 or so seconds, sounds quite implausable.
"It could be done manually. It would take quite a while, but it could be done. There is however a much more efficient and accurate way of getting the data. Men with lasers." Wing Commander Andy Green