xxChrisxx wrote:mep wrote:I really hope this in not going to happen.
People we really need drivers like KIMI... he has personality.
Laugh... out... Loud.
I love Kimi as a driver, but that is not an accurate description (at least in fromnt of a camera lens).
Maybe you will laugh even more after this post (at least you have fun).
Yea, it is right he does not seem to be alive when there is a camera close,
but how to deal with the media anyway?
Maybe some people can’t do it while still keeping their own conviction.
The press always tries to put you into some stereotypes.
While doing this they all have only one thing in mind.
Making money.
The people from the press try to sell a good story and the people from the car companies want to sell their cars.
Cars who are boring because they are not build with passion.
They are just build to fit to as much people as possible.
And for this they search drivers who make commercials for the car companies.
This drivers have to be as boring as the cars. Just to attract as much people as possible.
They don’t have to say what they think of in the public or just have some fun with their friends while drinking some alcohol.
Somebody could get disturbed by this and then is not going to buy such a car.
On the same time press is only waiting for something to happen. They are even dangerous in some way and very powerful. You know they are even able to control politics.
So what should you do in front of these people, who try to get their predecided answers?
Maybe it is better to just not answer to them to prevent trouble with them and your employee. On the same time KIMI might just be shy to strangers, but we still know that he is a very talented and driver and he is keen to enjoy his life.
The only thing he wants to do is drive races or Rallys and he does this in a very passionated way. Other than the media clean drivers who just follow each other during a race.
Now it seems like this habit costed KIMI the job at Ferrari and prevents him from getting one at Mercedes.
@ xxChrisxx
Do you know this, he is acting in a different way with the media. It is long time ago, maybe this would not be possible anymore in recent times.
http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet? ... %3Drelated