COTA Austin - construction and infrastructure

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What do you think of the prospect of a USGP 2012 at Austin Texas

Good thinking. Place has good infra structure and nice climate in winter.
Not good as it has no motor sport tradition in the US.
I will wait to see how it will shape up.
I don't care.
Total votes: 269

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Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


Professor wrote:There were 73 drawings and I have included a few of them on my blog to give a general impression of the site plan's completeness. ... flood.html
=D> =D> =D> Excellent news. Hellmund and Tilke may not be as dumb as some people think.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


WhiteBlue wrote:
Professor wrote:There were 73 drawings and I have included a few of them on my blog to give a general impression of the site plan's completeness. ... flood.html
=D> =D> =D> Excellent news. Hellmund and Tilke may not be as dumb as some people think.
What is done by Tilke is what is expected of any Architecture/engineering firm. That is his job.

Still maintain that Tilke track layouts are uninteresting.

Joined: 22 Feb 2009, 17:33

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


What is done by Tilke is what is expected of any Architecture/engineering firm. That is his job.

Still maintain that Tilke track layouts are uninteresting.
I only post these pics of the plans to illustrate the progress of the design. I have no argument with you or anyone else regarding the circuit, Tilke, or the probability of success of a USGP in Austin. This subimittal is technical only. It is intended as FYI.

I think of this as a technical site, not a social networking site. Am I wrong?

Joined: 19 Mar 2007, 01:47
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Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


I've posted here before that hellmund did not give tilke free reign on the design.
He was hired to design the track they wanted so his scope of creativity was limited.

Thanks Professor, very much appreciated.
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute

Joined: 02 Aug 2007, 01:03

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


Professor wrote: I think of this as a technical site, not a social networking site. Am I wrong?
Every bit of communication is a part of social networking in the world today. Im sure you have made friends here, AKA increased your social network!
Giblet wrote:
I've posted here before that hellmund did not give tilke free reign on the design.
He was hired to design the track they wanted so his scope of creativity was limited.
In looking at the track layout I think this will be one of the better Tilke tracks.
Most of his tracks are boring, but it this pans out like it looks (with elevation) then I have high hopes. Not a classic maybe, but good.

I can't wait to get my wheels on it for real! (In my 135i, or whatever I have when the track is complete.)

Joined: 16 Feb 2010, 15:08
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Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


The track just looks far too fiddly in places, which is a symptom of all track that Tilke has a hand in. Sure this isn't his worst but so far I don't like it. Maybe the race will change my mind.

I actually think that track design needs to go back to basics. What will it be next? Chuck some spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks and base the track design on that?

Joined: 07 Aug 2008, 16:18

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


Someone tried to map the track onto the actual landscape

Joined: 07 Aug 2008, 16:18

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


Joined: 16 Feb 2010, 15:08
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland - WhiteBlue Country (not the region)

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin


Some more news: ... debut.html

I fear that the organisers have taken the Top Gear approach to this race. At the start they must have asked "How hard can it be?" In 2012 they will be saying to the world "That did not go well!" :lol:

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

USGP in Austin, Texas...eta: CITY COUNCIL Vote Tomorrow...


Hi everyone! Longtime lurker here. First time poster!

Austin F1 Fans...Important Zoning and Platting Meeting coming up...Your emails and/or attendance are greatly appreciated!!Please help me get as many people on this as possible...

Thanks in advance, guys!


To all Supporters of Formula 1,

Please show your support for the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix (tm) this Tuesday, November 16:

(1) By emailing the Zoning and Platting Commission members at the addresses below before Tuesday. Be sure to sign your name:

I'd like to take this opportunity to note that all proceedings with the City of Austin have been mutually amicable. The City has been working in good faith to help the developers move the project along and stay on schedule. Please let your emails reflect that by sending a positive, friendly message for F1, it's teams, it's sponsors, and most importantly it's fans.

Below is one possible draft email that you may copy and paste or simply use as a framework for your own original email. Feel free to edit as you see fit.
Dear Zoning and Platting Commissioners:

As a strong advocate for bringing Formula 1 racing to Austin, Texas, I urge you to approve item #4 on the agenda for November 16 (the cut and fill variance along with the slope variance for the United States Grand Prix site). City staff and the Environmental Board have recommended these two variances for the project. The variance requests are consistent with past requests made throughout Austin. In addition, this project will serve as a catalyst that has long been needed in the City of Austin’s Desired Development Zone.

Supporting these variances will bring this project a step closer to becoming a reality. I am eager for the arrival of Formula 1 in Austin, Texas, and urge you to support these matters.


Supporter of the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix (tm) in Austin, Texas
Also, pass this along by email or other appropriate message boards to your friends who are interested. I already have people in Russia and Latvia sending emails to the commission showing their support for this project. When they get these emails from all over the world, it should make a bit of an impression of what a truly global event the USGP is going to be!!

(2) If you're in Austin, Texas, by attending the Zoning & Platting Commission meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 6:00pm.

We need your support for Formula 1 in Austin. Please attend this meeting and help us show Austin we support approval for the Formula 1 project. Just showing up provides great support and is very meaningful.

The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street. ...Please plan to arrive by 5:45 in order to sign up in favor of item #4. You may also sign up to speak in favor of the item at this time. Garage parking tickets can be validated inside City Hall.

See you there!
Last edited by hairy_scotsman on 17 Nov 2010, 18:33, edited 1 time in total.
Follow me on twitter @Austin_F1 ...

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: USGP in Austin, Texas...Please show your support!!


The Z & P Commission approved the cut & fill variances for FTP 5-1!

Thanks go out to everyone who helped by sending in their emails!!

Now let's all get ready to do it all over again for the City Council vote Thursday night. I believe that's the last major hurdle to clear before dirt can fly...

I'll follow this later with more info. Again, thanks everyone who is showing your support for this effort!
Follow me on twitter @Austin_F1 ...

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: USGP in Austin, Texas...Please show your support!!


Hi again guys...

I took some photos of the latest detailed track model at tonight's Zoning & Platting Commission hearing and I thought you might want to take a peek. You'll see that it confirms what I've been saying about this venue being hilly and the track flowing with the terrain. Sorry I couldn't get more, better shots, but time was short with FTP staff trying to wrap things up and get out of there. I did get further confirmation that Tavo and the designers are working to reduce lap times by speeding up the stadium section and possibly removing the new turn that goes around the Motorsport Driving Club at the end of the esses.

Just click on the photos to go to my flickr site and see larger versions...


IMAG0239 by terri177, on Flickr

IMAG0237 by terri177, on Flickr

IMAG0236 by terri177, on Flickr

IMAG0238 by terri177, on Flickr
Follow me on twitter @Austin_F1 ...

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: USGP in Austin, Texas...eta: CITY COUNCIL Vote Tomorrow.


Austin F1 Fans...Important Austin City Council Meeting coming up TOMORROW Morning!!!Your emails and/or attendance are greatly appreciated. Please help me get as many people on this as possible...

Thanks in advance, guys!


Please show your support for the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix (tm):

(1) TODAY, by emailing Austin City Council members at the addresses below before tomorrow, Thursday, 11/18/10. Also, be sure to sign your name:

I'd like to take this opportunity to note that all proceedings with the City of Austin have been mutually amicable. The City has been working in good faith to help the developers move the project along and stay on schedule. Please let your emails reflect that by sending a positive, friendly message for F1, it's teams, it's sponsors, and most importantly it's fans.

Below is one possible draft email that you may copy and paste or simply use as a framework for your own original email. Feel free to edit as you see fit.
Dear Mayor and Council members,

As a strong advocate for bringing Formula 1 racing to Austin, Texas, I urge you to approve items #2 and #3 on the agenda for November 18 (service extension request and development reimbursement for water & wastewater improvements for the region that includes the United States Grand Prix site). These items are consistent with past requests made throughout Austin’s ETJ and have been recommended by City staff and the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additionally, the Environmental Board and Zoning and Platting Commission have recommended variances related to this project.

Supporting these variances will bring this project a step closer to becoming a reality. I am eager for the arrival of Formula 1 in Austin, Texas, and urge you to support these matters.


Supporter of the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix (tm) in Austin, Texas

Here are some additional “Green F1” bits. Throw a couple in as well if you like. F1 is moving in a very green direction and the Council tends to be very sensitive to environmental concerns:

Bringing F1 racing to Austin is consistent with Austin's desire to bring "green" companies to the City:

Since 1997, Formula 1 has been Carbon Neutral. How many companies, even in Austin, can make that claim?
( )

In 2007, F1's governing body, the FIA, instituted a 10 year ban on engine development that is intended to redirect development funding toward hybrid power and other eco-friendly methods of power generation. As a result, in 2009 most F1 race cars were hybrids using Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS), and they will be again starting in 2011. The impact on road cars can already be seen after only one year of KERS development in F1, with Porsche, Ferrari, Renault, Land Rover, Jaguar, and Tata Motors of India among others introducing road cars featuring KERS technology.

F1 and the racing industry in general are helping to make industry and transportation more efficient and greener. Indeed, F1's AT&T Williams team is applying their hybrid energy-storage (KERS) technology, developed while racing in F1, to non-racing, static uses
( ). Austin can embrace this and be a hub and a world leader for this movement, helping the racing industry help the world while it finds greener ways to race and travel from venue to venue.

In June of this year, the Formula One Teams Association announced a plan to cut carbon emissions throughout the entire F1 operation by 12% comparing 2012 levels to 2009 levels. ( ... plans.html )

Beginning in 2013, F1 will change to a more fuel efficient "formula", moving from 2.4 liter V8 engines to smaller, less powerful 1.6 liter 4-cylinder engines. They will also limit fuel flow to force teams to seek the highest possible fuel efficiency.

Also, please pass this along by email or other appropriate message boards to your friends who are interested. I already had people in Russia and Latvia sending emails to the Z & P Commission showing their support for this project. When they get these emails from all over the world, it should make a bit of an impression of what a truly global event the USGP is going to be!!

(2) TOMORROW, Thursday, November 18 at 10 a.m: If you're in Austin, Texas, please attend the Austin City Council Meeting. It will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78701. You may also sign up to speak in favor of the item at this time. Garage parking tickets can be validated inside City Hall.

We need your support for Formula 1 in Austin. Please attend this meeting and help us show Austin we support approval for the Formula 1 project! Just showing up provides great support and is very meaningful.

See you there!
Follow me on twitter @Austin_F1 ...

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: USGP in Austin, Texas...eta: CITY COUNCIL Vote Tomorrow.


Hi everyone...It was a long day waiting around for our turn at City Hall today...and then waiting for the Sierra Club rep to stop rambling through his off-topic, inaccurate fantasies...

...BUT when the Council finally got around to business with a vote, it went in our favor...7-0!

Just one more hurdle to clear before digging can begin...the County has to approve a floodplain variance the first week of December.

So far, so good.

Thanks to everyone who is helping us out on this. Your help truly IS appreciated by everyone involved!!
Follow me on twitter @Austin_F1 ...

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Joined: 14 Apr 2008, 20:58
Location: WhiteBlue Country

Re: 2012 US GP to be held in Austin

Post ... 13191.html

General contractor is selected. Hellmund on track to break ground after x-mas.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)